Job Description
$95,693 to $139,896
The salary in the Department of Water and Power is $110,580 to $137,369 and $118,368 to $147,057.
Annual salary is at the start of the pay range. The current salary range is subject to change. Please confirm the starting salary with the hiring department before accepting a job offer.
Candidates from the eligible list are normally appointed to vacancies in the lower pay grade positions.
For information regarding reciprocity between the City of Los Angeles departments and LADWP, go to .
A Real Estate Officer negotiates for the lease, acquisition, rental, or sale of real property rights; makes valuation appraisals of real property to be acquired, sold or leased by the City; selects or assists in the selection of appropriate sites or routes for public projects; appraises damages including loss of goodwill and special benefits to private and public property resulting from proposed public improvements or public utility installations; manages City-owned real property; and coordinates property management issues for leased facilities; conducts relocation studies; and relocates persons and/or businesses.
One year of full-time paid experience as a Real Estate Associate with the City of Los Angeles; or
Three years of full-time paid experience as a Real Estate Trainee with the City of Los Angeles; or
Graduation from an accredited four year college or university; and two years of full-time paid experience in one or more of the following areas:
a. negotiating for the lease, rental, acquisition, or sale of commercial, residential and/or industrial real property rights;
b. appraising the market value of real property including land and improvements and good will when applicable;
c. managing commercial or industrial real property;
d. providing relocation assistance to persons or businesses.
Applicants who lack six months or less of the required experience at the time of filing may file for this examination. However, they cannot be appointed until the full experience requirement is met.
A valid Class C driver’s license issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is required at the time of appointment. Candidates will not be eligible for appointment to these positions if their DMV record within the last 36 months reflects three or more moving violations and/or at-fault accidents, or a conviction of a major moving violation such as DUI.
Please note that qualifying education must be from a college or university accredited by a City of Los Angeles recognized agency. A list of approved accrediting agencies can be found at .
Candidates completing the examination process may be contacted by the Personnel Department to provide required proof of qualifying degree. Applicants who wish to expedite this process may attach a copy of their qualifying degree to their on-line application at the time of filing in the Attachments section.
In accordance with Charter Section 1010 (b) and Civil Service Rule 5.31, selective certification will be used for some positions that require special skills and/or training. Only persons possessing the following at the time of filing may be considered for appointment to fill such positions.
Possession of State of California Certificate Appraisal License.
Possession of an International Right of Way Association (IRWA) Relocation Certificate.
Applicants must attach a copy of the State of California Appraisal License, or International Right of Way Association Relocation Certificate to the on-line application at the time of filing. The license and/or certificate must be attached to the on-line application BEFORE the application is submitted. If the license and/or certificate is attached AFTER the on-line application has been submitted, it will not be available to the City and applicants WILL NOT be credited with having submitted the license and/or certificate. Applicants who fail to submit the license and/or certificate at the time of filing by attaching it to the on-line application will not be considered for the Selective Certification.
Applications will only be accepted on-line. When you are viewing the on-line job bulletin of your choice, simply scroll to the top of the page and select the “Apply” icon. On-line job bulletins are also available at .
Applicants are urged to apply early to ensure you have time to resolve any technical issues you may encounter.
Applications must be received by THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025 .
In accordance with Civil Service Rule 4.2, all applicants who apply may not be tested in this examination. To meet anticipated hiring needs, only a limited number of qualified applicants will be invited to participate in the interview in the following order: 1) Los Angeles City Promotional applicants who meet the minimum requirements. You must have received a regular appointment to a City position or be on a reserve list to apply for this examination as a promotional candidate; 2) Applicants currently employed by the City of Los Angeles on a part-time or exempt basis who meet the minimum requirements; 3) Remaining applicants who meet the minimum requirements in sufficient numbers to meet hiring needs based on a random sampling of those qualified candidates. Applications submitted during the filing period may be kept on file in the event that additional applicants need to be tested to meet hiring needs.
Examination Weights:
Multiple-Choice Test - Qualifying
Essay - Advisory
Interview - 100%
The examination will consist of a qualifying multiple-choice test, an advisory essay exercise, and an interview. The qualifying multiple-choice test will be administered and proctored on-line, and the following competencies may be evaluated: Job Knowledge, including knowledge of: principles and practices of negotiation for the acquisition, sale, and lease of real property; principles and practices of property management and appraisal of all types of real property; real estate law including agency contracts, legal instruments, and the practices and procedures of real property conveyances; sources, significance, and interpretation of information useful in the appraisal of real property, including legal descriptions and property maps; principles and practices of financing real estate acquisitions; methods for identifying trends and factors affecting land and building values; advertising media and practices; uses and organization of records affecting land titles kept by public agencies and title companies; methods of conducting field investigations and analysis of relevant data; legal and engineering documents and descriptions, appraisal reports, ordinances and contracts; financial analysis such as mortgage calculations, present and future values, payment, term and rate; and other necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Additional job analysis information can be obtained by going to and clicking on Competencies under Real Estate Officer.
Prior to the qualifying multiple-choice test, candidates will be required to prepare some written material related to duties and responsibilities of a Real Estate Officer. This essay material will not be separately scored, but will be presented to the interview board for review and consideration, which may include discussion, in the overall evaluation of the candidate. Those who do not complete the advisory essay will not be invited to the qualifying multiple-choice test and will be considered to have failed the entire examination. To be considered complete, the advisory essay must include a substantive response for each question or problem included in the advisory essay for which a candidate is required to provide an answer. Please note that candidates must complete the advisory essay and meet the minimum qualifications as stated on this bulletin in order to be considered further in the examination process.
The advisory essay will be administered on-line. Candidates invited to participate in the examination will receive an e-mail from the City of Los Angeles outlining the specific steps needed to complete the on-line advisory essay. Candidates will be required to complete the on-line advisory essay between MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2025 and MONDAY, MAY 5, 2025 . Candidates who fail to complete the advisory essay as instructed may be disqualified.
The qualifying multiple-choice test will be proctored and administered on-line during a single session. Candidates invited to participate in the on-line multiple-choice test will be able to take the test as instructed from a remote location (i.e., their home) using a computer with a webcam and a reliable internet connection. Candidates will receive an e-mail from the City of Los Angeles outlining the dates and specific steps on how to take the qualifying multiple-choice test on-line. The remote proctored multiple-choice test will be administered between TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2025 and MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2025 . Candidates who do not complete and submit the remote proctored multiple-choice test on-line using a computer by the specified date and time will not be considered further in this examination.
FAQs for on-line testing are available at . Only candidates who demonstrate a hardship may be offered the option to take the multiple-choice test onsite at a City facility.
Passing Score for Qualifying Multiple-Choice Test
The passing score for the qualifying multiple-choice test will be determined by Personnel Department staff after the qualifying multiple-choice test is administered. Consideration will be given to the number of candidates taking the test and the existing and anticipated number of vacancies, such that there are a sufficient number of eligibles on the list to satisfy current and future vacancies for the next two years. Therefore, the passing score for the qualifying multiple-choice test may be set at, above, or below 70% .
Candidates must complete the advisory essay and achieve a passing score on the qualifying multiple-choice test in order to be invited to the interview.
The examination score will be based entirely on the interview. In the interview, the following competencies may be evaluated: Judgment and Decision Making; Analytical Ability; Attention to Detail; Fact Finding; Responsiveness and Follow-Up; Customer Service; Oral Communication; Job Knowledge, including knowledge of: principles and practices of negotiation for the acquisition, sale, and lease of real property; principles and practices of property management and appraisal of all types of real property; real estate law including agency contracts, legal instruments, and the practices and procedures of real property conveyances; sources, significance, and interpretation of information useful in the appraisal of real property, including legal descriptions and property maps; principles and practices of financing real estate acquisitions; methods for identifying trends and factors affecting land and building values; advertising media and practices; uses and organization of records affecting land titles kept by public agencies and title companies; methods of conducting field investigations and analysis of relevant data; legal and engineering documents and descriptions, appraisal reports, ordinances and contracts; financial analysis such as mortgage calculations, present and future values, payment, term and rate; and other necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Candidates will be notified later by e-mail of the date, time, and location of the interview, which may be held in Los Angeles or on-line.
This examination is based on a validation study, and as provided by Civil Service Commission Rule 4.20, the multiple-choice test will not be subject to candidate inspection.
Applications are accepted subject to review to ensure that minimum qualifications are met. Candidates may be disqualified at any time if it is determined that they do not possess the minimum qualifications stated on this bulletin.
As a covered entity under the Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. To request a disability accommodation, please complete the Disability Accommodation Form within 14 calendar days of the submittal of the City application. The Disability Accommodation Form can be obtained at .
A final average score of 70% in the interview portion of the examination is required to be placed on the eligible list.
In conjunction with Civil Service Rules, applicants who are current eligible City employees or are on a reserve list will be considered Promotional candidates while all other applicants will be considered Open candidates.
Seniority credit at the rate of 0.25 of a point for each year of continuous classified City service will be added to the weighted test score of each promotional candidate.
The promotional list will ordinarily be used ahead of the open competitive list. However, if open competitive candidates receive a higher score, without military credits, than the highest available promotional candidate, after adding seniority credit at the rate of 0.25 of a point for each year of continuous classified City service, the Civil Service Commission, upon request of the appointing authority, may approve certification of such open competitive candidates ahead of the promotional candidates.
Notice :
If you receive and accept an offer of employment to a regular position with the City of Los Angeles, your employee benefit coverage (including health and dental coverage as well as life insurance) will commence approximately six weeks after your original regular appointment. Not all positions in the City receive benefit coverage; you should inquire regarding the availability of employee benefits prior to accepting a position. All City employees are required to be Disaster Service Workers.
The City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, creed, color, ancestry, medical condition (cancer), or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
For additional information and FAQs regarding the City's hiring process, please go to:
There are many things to consider in a new employer. Visit the following webpage to view benefits the City of Los Angeles offers its employees:
Closing Date/Time: 3/20/2025 11:59 PM Pacific