Position/Program InformationEXAM NUMBER: PH8712A
TYPE OF RECRUITMENT: Open Competitive Opportunity
FIRST DAY OF FILING : Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 8:30 a.m., Pacific Time (PT)
This examination will remain open until the needs of the service are met and is subject to closure without prior notice. DEFINITION: Supervises professional and para-professional staff assigned to a mental health clinic or program.
CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS: - Positions allocable to this class typically work under the general direction of a clinical program manager and serve as first-line supervisors of one or more functional work units in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of specialized mental health services for a client population within an assigned program or geographic area.
- Incumbents maintain quality of services through effective staff performance and adherence to program and workload standards.
- Supervising Psychologist is distinguished from a clinical program manager in that the latter has responsibility for the operations of a clinic or comprehensive mental health services program.
Knowledge of: - Principles and techniques of leadership, supervision, and training; serious mental illness and serious emotional disturbance; principles and theories of developmental, personality, and social psychology; theory and practice of individual and group psychotherapy; crisis- and psychiatric-intervention techniques; applicable legal and ethical professional standards; Federal, State, and local laws governing mental health services and patients' rights; principles of psychopharmacology and psychobiology; psychometric and statistical theories and methodologies; psychological research methods and experimental design.
Ability to: - Plan, organize, and direct the work of subordinate staff; provide effective leadership and consultation to staff in casework and treatment methods and in professional development; establish positive and therapeutic relations with clients; conduct crisis intervention and make appropriate referrals; select, administer, and score various psychological assessments; design appropriate treatment interventions, evaluate results, and make modifications as needed; communicate effectively orally and in writing, including program and workload goals and objectives; organize and interpret data pertinent to program planning and caseload management; evaluate program effectiveness; apply rules of logic when synthesizing information, analyzing problems, and recommending and adopting an effective course of action; understand and interpret procedures, regulations, and legal implications of casework and treatment services; establish and maintain effective working relationships with clients, co-workers, management, and representatives of community-based organizations.
Essential Job Functions- Plans, assigns, directs, supervises, and coordinates the work of multidisciplinary professional staff providing mental health treatment services, social and rehabilitation services, and consultation and education services to clients, public and private agencies, and the community.
- Provides guidance to subordinate staff on department philosophy, clinical methodology and practices, program goals and objectives, and policies and procedures through casework meetings and work review; assists and participates in the development, coordination, and implementation of in-service training and staff development programs.
- Evaluates the overall activities of the work unit including methods and techniques for effectiveness and consistency with program and services goals and objectives; recommends and implements changes in program, policies, and procedures.
- Works with public, private, and other community organizations providing health or human services such as rehabilitation and housing to mentally and emotionally disturbed individuals, in order to gain and ensure cooperation in achieving program goals and objectives; participates in mental health conferences.
- Assists the clinical program manager in the design and development of programs and effective strategies that demonstrate positive outcomes for various populations, including those that have been historically underserved or inappropriately served as a result of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, and other factors.
- Leads in the selection of new professional personnel in psychology, including trainees and psychology interns.
- Supervises psychological testing programs and evaluative research relevant to the functions of the mental health program or clinic.
- Functions independently in providing mental health consultation and education, individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, and other psychological services.
- Participate in the supervision and routine operations of a program or clinic, as needed.
- Provide testimony before courts of law regarding results of psychological evaluations, as appropriate.
- Intervene with clients to enhance their ability to fully participate in treatment, including defining treatment goals and designing intervention strategies that support recovery and resiliency, as needed.
- Participate in regional or countywide needs assessment, prevention and early intervention, and program planning, development, and evaluation activities, as needed.
- Serve as mentor to psychologist trainees or psychology interns, as needed
Requirements MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: A doctorate degree from an *accredited university with specialization in psychology, education with the field of specialization in counseling psychology,
or in a discipline deemed equivalent by the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology
- AND - Two (2) years of licensed experience in the application of psychological techniques in a **mental health setting.
LICENSE: ***A License to practice as a Psychologist issued by the State of California Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology.
PHYSICAL CLASS 2: LIGHT This class includes administrative and clerical positions requiring light physical effort that may include occasional light lifting to a 10 pound limit, and some bending, stooping or squatting. Considerable ambulation may be involved.
CLEARLY EXPRESS detailed years of experience performing relevant duties, related to the requirements within your online job application under the
"Experience" area.
*ACCREDITATION: Accredited institutions are those listed in the publications of regional, national or international accrediting agencies which are accepted by the Department of Human Resources. Publications such as
American Universities and Colleges and
International Handbook of Universities are acceptable references.Foreign degrees must be evaluated for equivalency to United States accredited institutions standards by an academic credential evaluation agency recognized by
The National Association of Credential Evaluation Services or the
Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE) . (see Employment Information under Accreditation Information)
In order to receive credit for your Doctorate degree, you must include a legible copy of each degree by providing one of the following: Official Diploma , Official Transcript(s) , or Official Letter from the accredited institution, which shows the area of specialization and the date the degree was awarde d with Registrar's signature and/or school seal
with your online application at the time of filing or within fifteen (15) calendar days from application submission to hrexams@ph.lacounty.gov . **
Mental Health Setting is defined as a setting relating to the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric/mental health, substance use, and/or co-occurring disorders.
LICENSE INFORMATION: In the license/certificate section of your application, be sure to give the title of your required certificate, number, date issued, date of expiration and the name of the issuing agency.
The required license must be active and unrestricted or your application will not be accepted. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: Credit will be given to applicants who possess the following desirable qualification: - Additional experience beyond the Minimum Requirements.
Additional Information EXAMINATION CONTENT: This examination will consist of an evaluation of education and experience based on application information, desirable qualifications and supplemental questionnaire information submitted at the time of filing
weighted 100% .
Applicants must meet the Requirements and achieve a passing score of 70% or higher on the examination (evaluation of education and experience) to be added on the Eligible Register (hiring list).
Passing this examination and being added on the Eligible Register does not guarantee an offer of employment. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: The names of candidates receiving a passing score in the examination will be added to the Eligible Register in the order of their score group for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of eligibility.
NO PERSON MAY COMPETE IN THIS EXAMINATION MORE THAN ONCE EVERY TWELVE (12) MONTHS. Complete applications will be processed on an as received basis and promulgated to the Eligible Register accordingly.
VACANCY INFORMATION: The Eligible Register resulting from this examination will be used to fill vacancies in the Department of Public Health as they occur.
AVAILABLE SHIFT: Any shift, including evenings, nights, weekends and holidays.
ONLINE ONLY. Applications submitted by U.S. mail, fax, or in person will NOT be accepted. Any required documents and/or additional information, if any, must be received with your application at the time of filing online or sent to HRExams@ph.lacounty.gov
w ithin fifteen (15) calendar days from application submissio n .
Apply online by clicking on the green
"Apply" button located on this posting. You can also track the status of your application using this website.
Plan to submit your online application well in advance of the 5:00 p.m. deadline as you may be required to verify your email address. This only needs to be done once per email address, and if you already have a job seeker account on www.governmentjobs.com/careers/lacounty, you can verify at any time by logging in and following the prompts. This is to enhance the security of your online application and to ensure you do not enter an incorrect email address. The acceptance of your application depends on whether you have
clearly shown that you meet the
REQUIREMENTS. Fill out the application and Supplemental Questionnaire accurately and completely to receive full credit for any relevant education and/or job experience you include. In the space provided on the application for education, include names and addresses of schools attended, dates attended, degree(s) received, and degree major. For each job held, give the name and address of your employer, your job/position title, start and end dates, the number of hours worked per week, and detailed description of work and duties performed. If the application and/or Supplemental Questionnaire is/are incomplete, the application will be
IMPORTANT NOTES: - Please note that ALL information supplied by applicants and included in the application materials is subject to VERIFICATION at any point during the examination and hiring process, including after an appointment has been made.
- Applications may be rejected at any stage of the examination and selection process.
- Utilizing VERBIAGE from Class Specification(s) and/or Minimum Requirements serving as your description of duties WILL NOT be sufficient to demonstrate that you meet the requirements. In doing so your application will be dispositioned as INCOMPLETE and will not be accepted.
- Comments such as "SEE RESUME" or "SEE APPLICATION" will not be considered a valid response; therefore, using such statements will also result in your application being rejected as INCOMPLETE.
COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS AT PUBLIC LIBRARIES: For candidates who may not have regular access to a computer or the internet, applications can be completed on computers at public libraries throughout Los Angeles County. You may refer to their website for more information regarding the reopening of some libraries with limited hours throughout Los Angeles County.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Please include your Social Security Number for record control purposes. Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number.
NO SHARING OF USER ID, EMAIL, AND PASSWORD: All applicants must file their application online using their OWN user ID and password. Using a family member or friend's user ID and password may erase a candidate's original application record.
ANTI-RACISM, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION (ARDI): The County of Los Angeles recognizes and affirms that all people are created equal and are entitled to all rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States. The Department of Human Resources is committed to promoting Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts to address the in equalities and disparities amongst race. We support the ARDI Strategic Plan and its goals by improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in recruitment, selection, and employment practices.
FAIR CHANCE EMPLOYER: The County of Los Angeles is a Fair Chance employer. Except for a very limited number of positions, you will not be asked to provide information about a conviction history unless you receive a contingent offer of employment. The County will make an individualized assessment of whether your conviction history has a direct or adverse relationship with the specific duties of the job, and consider potential mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, evidence and extent of rehabilitation, recency of the offense(s), and age at the time of the offense(s). If asked to provide information about a conviction history, any convictions or court records which are exempted by a valid court order do not have to be disclosed.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: It is the policy of the County of Los Angeles to provide equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability or any other characteristic protected by State or Federal law. All positions are open to qualified men and women pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. The County will follow all of its obligations under State and Federal laws regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations to applicants.
Department Contact Name: Exam Analyst
Department Contact Phone: (213) 684-8726
Department Contact E-mail: HRExams@ph.lacounty.gov
California Relay Services Phone: (800) 735-2922
ADA Coordinator Phone: (844) 914-1006
Teletype Phone: (800) 899-4099
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