job descriptionDuties include preparing, logging, closing, and processing Power System Reliability
Project (PSRP) related jobs and correspondence into the Work Management
Information System (WMIS). Distributing enclosed materials and documentation for
design and construction job specification packages, various Accelerated Code (AC)
jobs, catastrophe and storm jobs, Damage Control Numbers, and pole
replacements; validating PSRP work to the proper Multiyear Expenditure Program,
checking for and cancelling duplicate work requests, verifying and reconciling
electric meter data, and creating new AC type work requests in WMIS. Additional
duties may include sorting, organizing, filing, and maintaining associated files,
records, or job reports for design and construction job specification packages;
updating, researching, and/or verifying data received utilizing various computer
systems; answering inquiries from internal and external customers regarding
services; handling receipt of monies paid for electrical services and customer
convenience; preparing, typing, filing, and distributing various reports and
documents; communicating effectively with other personnel and supervisors,
vendors, contractors, and consultants; relieving other clerical positions; and
performing other related duties as required. The selected candidate must work
independently, complete tasks in a timely manner, and organize and prioritize theirwork. Overtime and call outs may be required.
• Knowledge of clerical procedures and general office practices.
• Knowledge of Work Management Information System (WMIS), Mainframe
(RUMBA), Microsoft applications is desired.
• Knowledge of record keeping and general filing practices and procedures.
• Ability to exercise independent judgment, prioritize work and complete tasks
in a timely manner, comprehend and follow oral/written instructions, and use
effective oral communication skills.
• Ability to communicate effectively and deal tactfully with internal and external
customers and co-workers.
• Operate personal computer, printer, calculator, fax, and copy machine.
• Ability to work as part of a team, to be flexible and handle a variety of
• A valid California driver's license is required and must be maintained during
How to applySubmit a completed
City Application for Employment to
PTDJOBS@LADWP.COM with the subject line: Senior Administrative Clerk - CTO#25P-5760-14. A screening device may be used. If a screening devise is used, only the most qualified candidates will be invited to continue in the selection process.
The City Application for Employment can be found at: note, the LADWP Retirement Plan has changed. Prior to interviewing or
accepting a job offer, we recommend you review the information available on the
new Tier 1 and Tier 2 benefits at: day to respond: 03/12/2025
Applications will be accepted until a sufficient number are received; therefore
the filing period may close without notice.
TransferThese positions are only available for City employees. Please do not respond if you do not currently work for the City of Los Angeles.
Closing Date/Time: 3/12/25