FIRST DAY OF FILING: Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 8:30 A.M. (PT) This examination will remain open until the needs of the service are met and is subject to closure without prior notice.DEFINITION:Performs a variety of standardized public health laboratory tests within a specialized area (such as bacteriology, virology, serology, or parasitology) or across specialty lines.
CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS:Positions allocable to this class work under the supervision of supervisory public health laboratory personnel in a general or a specialized public health laboratory unit. Incumbents are responsible for the accurate performance on a volume basis of a group of standardized tests assigned to a laboratory unit and/or an individual workstation. Although varying in their complexity, the tests conducted by Public Health Microbiologists are standardized with the procedures prescribed by laboratory management. These procedures are available to Public Health Microbiologists I in written form either in a procedures manual, a textbook, or other document. Public Health Microbiologists are specifically trained in the performance of each test and are not permitted to function independently until they have satisfactorily demonstrated not only that they can correctly perform the test but also that they understand the scientific principles on which the test is based. Public Health Microbiologists are accountable for the validity and reliability of all tests results obtained. Such accountability extends not only to their following exact procedures in test performance, but in the calibration of all instruments used and the quality control of other variables which might affect the results, such as reagents or other solutions or materials. Incumbents use judgment in the conduct of the laboratory tests assigned them; they not only measure quantities of specimen and other solutions or materials used and perform mathematical calculations, they must also evaluate or interpret their findings at each step in the test process and determine that such finding are consistent with overall clinical symptoms indicated by the attending physician. When findings do not appear to be consistent with the clinical symptoms indicated by physician, Public Health Microbiologists I may communicate with the physician directly or through their supervisors in an effort to resolve apparent discrepancies. Public Health Microbiologists instruct approved trainees and newly hired microbiologists in all aspects of their work.
Essential Job FunctionsConducts specialized parasitology examinations to identify ova, worms, and protozoa present in fecal specimens.Performs microbiological examinations for the detection and identification of viral agents utilizing live host systems such as tissue cultures, embryonated eggs, and suckling and adult white mice; examines brain material from various animals for suspected rabies.Isolates and identifies fungi of medical significance by correlating information derived from stained smears, wet mounts, biochemical patterns, and colony morphology.Makes microbiological examinations of body fluids, discharges, secretions and blood specimens to determine the presence of mycobacteria, gonorrhea, typhoid, salmonella, shigella, and related organisms, and of foods suspected of causing food poisoning.Performs serological laboratory examinations including agglutination, precipitation, absorption, immunofluorescence and complement fixation tests in connection with the detection and control of syphilis and other diseases.Conducts specific biochemical tests on blood, blood plasma, urine and other body fluids to determine the presence and quantity of specific metabolic substances, and performs such hematological procedures as electrophoresis, complete blood counts, blood sedimentation rates, hemoglobin determinations, and hematocrits.Calibrates laboratory instruments following prescribed methods and performs other quality control procedures to assure the operational accuracy of equipment and test reproducibility; performs first-line maintenance on such equipment.Gives bench-level instruction on the detailed aspects of assignments to approved trainees, newly hired microbiologists, and professional personnel from medical laboratories in the community who have been referred or seek assistance in the proper conduct of test procedures.
RequirementsMINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:A current Public Health Microbiologist's certificate* issued by the California State Department of Public Health.**
*For information on how to obtain the letter/certificate from the California State Department of Public Health verifying eligibility to work as a Public Health Microbiologist, click on the link below: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/OSPHLD/LFS/Pages/PublicHealth.aspx
LICENSE:A valid California Class C Driver License or the ability to utilize an alternative method of transportation to perform job-related essential functions may be required.
PHYSICAL CLASS:2 - Light: This class includes administrative and clerical positions requiring light physical effort that may include occasional light lifting to a 10 pound limit and some bending, stopping, or squatting. Considerable ambulation may be involved.
DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS:The experience listed below must be work experience beyond the Minimum Requirements.
- Experience utilizing software programs such as Microsoft Office (word, excel, power point or access) to create documents, reports, databases, flow charts, etc.
- Experience in a research, clinical or public health laboratory.
- Experience with laboratory techniques including microscopy, gel electrophoresis, nucleic acid extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA sequencing, etc.
- Experience using diagnostic testing methodologies to include limitations of testing, reference methods, appropriate test utilization, and test interpretation.
- Experience using diagnostic testing methodologies for bacterial serotyping, water, and dairy sample testing.
Additional InformationEXAMINATION CONTENTThis examination will consist of an Evaluation of Training and Experience based upon application information, desirable qualifications, and supplemental questionnaire at the time of filing,
weighted 100%.
Candidates must achieve a passing score of 70% or higher on the examination in order to be added to the Eligible Register. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION The names of candidates receiving a passing score in the examination will be added to the Eligible Register in the order of their score group for a period of twelve (12) months following the date of eligibility.
Complete applications will be processed on an as-received basis. No person may compete for this examination more than once in a twelve (12) month period.
VACANCY INFORMATION The resulting Eligible Register for this examination will be used to fill vacancies in the Department of Public Health as they occur.
ONLINE ONLY. Applications submitted by mail, fax, or in person will
NOT be accepted. Any required documents and/or additional information, if any, must be submitted with your application online or within fifteen (15) calendar days from application submission to HRExams@ph.lacounty.gov
Plan to submit your online application well in advance of the 5:00 p.m. (PT) deadline on the last day of filing as you may be required to verify your email address. This only needs to be done once per email address, and if you already have a job seeker account on the County of Los Angeles Job Opportunities Website, you can verify at any time by logging in and following the prompts. This is to enhance the security of your online application and to ensure you do not enter an incorrect email address. Apply online by clicking on the green
"Apply" button at the top right of this posting. You can also track the status of your application using this website. Applicants must submit their completed applications by 5:00 p.m., PST, on the last day of filing.
The acceptance of your application depends on whether you have
clearly shown that you meet the
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS . Fill out the application and supplemental questionnaire completely and correctly to receive full credit for any relevant education and/or job experience you include. In the space provided on the application for education, include names and addresses of schools attended, dates attended, degree(s) received, and degree major. For each job held, give the name and address of your employer, your job/position title, beginning and ending dates, number of hours worked per week, and description of work and duties performed. If your application and/or supplemental questionnaire is/are incomplete, the application will be
**In order to receive credit for any required certifications, you
must attach a legible copy of the certificate/letter with your application online at the time of filing or within fifteen (15) calendar days from application submission to hrexams@ph.lacounty.gov
Failure to provide complete, accurate information will impact the assessment of your qualifications and the acceptance of your application into the examination process.
IMPORTANT NOTES:- Please note that ALL information supplied by applicants and included in the application materials is subject to VERIFICATION at any point during the examination and hiring process, including after an appointment has been made.
- Applications may be rejected at any stage of the examination and selection process.
- Utilizing VERBIAGE from Class Specification and/or Selection Requirements serving as your description of duties WILL NOT be sufficient to demonstrate that you meet the requirements. In doing so, your application will be dispositioned as incomplete and will be REJECTED.
FAIR CHANCE INITIATIVE: The County of Los Angeles is a Fair Chance employer. Except for a very limited number of positions, you will not be asked to provide information about a conviction history unless you receive a contingent offer of employment. The County will make an individualized assessment of whether your conviction history has a direct or adverse relationship with the specific duties of the job, and consider potential mitigating factors, including, but not limited to, evidence and extent of rehabilitation, recency of the offense(s), and age at the time of the offense(s). If asked to provide information about a conviction history, any convictions or court records which are exempted by a valid court order do not have to be disclosed.
ANTI-RACISM, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION (ARDI): The County of Los Angeles recognizes and affirms that all people are created equal and are entitled to all rights afforded by the Constitution of the United States. The Department of Human Resources is committed to promoting Anti-racism, Diversity, and Inclusion efforts to address the in equalities and disparities amongst race. We support the ARDI Strategic Plan and its goals by improving equality, diversity, and inclusion in recruitment, selection, and employment practices.
COMPUTER AND INTERNET ACCESS AT PUBLIC LIBRARIES:For candidates who may not have regular access to a computer or the internet, applications can be completed on computers at public libraries throughout Los Angeles County.
NO SHARING OF USER ID AND PASSWORD:All applicants must file their application online using their OWN user ID and password. Using a family member or friend's user ID and password may erase a candidate's original application record.
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER:Please include your Social Security Number for record control purposes in the format XXX-XX-XXXX. Federal law requires that all employed persons have a Social Security Number
. Department Contact Name: Exam Analyst
Department Contact Phone: (213) 684-8726
Department Contact E-mail: HRExams@ph.lacounty.gov
California Relay Services Phone: (800) 735-2922
ADA Coordinator Phone: (844) 914-1006
Teletype Phone: (800) 899-4099
Alternate Teletype Phone: (800) 897-0077
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