City Of Lumberton

Lumberton was founded in 1787 (officially incorporated in 1852) and located in Southeastern North Carolina along one of the Country's busiest interstates (I-95) with easy access to multiple beaches. America's first rural health department was established in 1912 with its headquarters in Lumberton. Industrial and the service industry produce the majority of income and employment in the area. Lumberton ranks in the top 25 cities in North Carolina's population and enjoys a growth rate above the state average. The City is governed by a publicly elected eight-member City Council, led by the Mayor. The Council sets the citizens' tax rate annually, adopts budgets and establishes policy direction for all City functions and programs. Ths City Council appoints and gives direction to the City Manager in the day-to-day operation of the city. Programs and policies adopted by the Council are put into administrative action by the City Manager and by Department Heads. The City Manager's office oversees the activities of all departments.

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