win over your bossIs your boss always staring at you, making those un-happy faces when passing by? If that really upsets you and you want to nail it right, just take a look at this piece of writing!

Following are some suggestions that can help you win your boss’s heart and can bridge a gap between you and your boss.

Loyalty towards your work:

The very first step to win your boss’s heart is to exhibit loyalty. Show dedication towards your boss and your work. If ever any problem arises consult your supervisor rather than directly rushing towards your boss.

Things that are important to your boss:

Whatever things are important to your boss make them important to you as well. Try submitting your work before deadlines as it makes you efficient in his eyes.

Look for opportunities and challenging assignments:

Always come forward for tough and challenging assignments. Bosses usually look for such dedicated employees who volunteer to do extra work. But, keep that in mind not to take a lot of work that cannot be handled by you.

Helpful employee:

Always try helping your boss in your spare time. If he is stressed out and is unable to complete some of his work just step forward to help him. you will be appreciated for this.

Good terms with your supervisor:

Maintain good relation with your supervisor. Once you get to know your supervisor it will become easy for u to know your boss and his nature.

Be punctual:

Punctuality is the very first step that can help you to develop good links with your boss and labels you as a perfect and a punctual man at your workplace. As stated “Punctuality is one of the main principles of business: insist on its implementation”.

Goal to make your boss more successful:

When your goal is to make your boss more successful rather than yourself you’ll get more success and will grow as a performer.  This thing will help you more when you are at the start of your career especially.

While in a meeting:

When in a meeting, keep in mind not to give a lengthy presentation. Be precise and on point. Also give chance to other employees by completing your presentation in less time. Always appreciate other employees in front of your boss. Praise them for their good work. This will impress your boss. You can also discuss your personal experiences and your knowledge in a meeting.

Emergencies :

In case of any emergency or some personal work don’t forget to ask his permission before leaving the workplace and if he permits try coming back when you are done with the work. Once you are back at your workplace you should go and see your boss.

Understand your boss:

It is really important to get to know your boss completely. His habits, his mood swings, his goals and other details. Keep that in mind not to ask all this to him directly, just observe rather than interviewing him. This will ultimately lead you to know him.

Be confident:

Be confident at your workplace. Have interactive sessions with your co-workers and of course with your boss, if you are at the very first stage of your life than it may take some time. Your body language should be confident. Accept other’s suggestions as well. Keep that in mind there is always a risk in being over confident. So handle things with confidence not with rigidity.

In the end If you are criticized by a group of people or even by your boss don’t take it personally. Start working on the weak points and find solutions for the problems.


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