tina_einstein_careerInspired by Albert Einstein, there are three fundamental lessons that you are encouraged to start, stop and continue where your resume and career overhaul is concerned. Sure, it’s easier said than done. The key is breaking down the steps to simplicity as you shift gears from government to private sector, military to civilian, or corporation to corporation.

Stop your career insanity by doing things differently and follow Einstein’s Theory of Career Search.

It’s 2014! It’s time to make changes regardless of your generation. Traditionalists, baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y are all in the same boat seeking job security, better pay, advancement, or a fresh start at something new. While I’m no Einstein (as the proverbial joke goes) I do know that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a sign of a behavioral hiccup. Einstein called it insanity.


  • being so selective and protective of who you link up with on linkedin.com
  • allowing yourself to revert to the traditional and old school career guru’s
  • listening to people who are not trained in the career industry
  • writing ‘Objective’ and ‘Profile Summary’ on your resume
  • taking the easy way out by avoiding working with a credentialed coach
  • hiring strictly technical writers to market you on paper/linkedin.com/biographies: Sentence structure/syntax is important but is akin to showing up for an interview wearing a shirt/tie and no pants


  • investing in your career makeover by first seeing yourself as your #1 asset
  • choosing career professionals with a balanced track record of skills:  Corporate experience in HR or recruiting/hiring.  Skilled writer with strong marketing/branding ability. Balance of both logical and creative strategies
  • opening yourself up to personal branding
  • getting interacting on linkedin.com/twitter and other social media platforms with your favorite career coaches. Those who interact with you and others openly are in most cases are current and savvy enough to market you to your targeted position.
  • marketing yourself more. Tell people what you are good at doing and share your successes. Why do some cheer on athletes but not themselves?   Be smarter than that and market you.
  • embracing the unknown. Einstein said, “logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”


  • to linkup with 5 new people on linkedin.com per day.
  • keeping track of your key achievements at work at the close of each week. (If you don’t do this, you are doing yourself a disservice.)
  • seek out new and innovative ways to market yourself in your executive portfolio. Now more than ever, portfolio’s are today’s must have to be successful in your search for something new.
  • taking risks, believing in yourself, and trying new avenues to network. Every time you leave your home, you are on the market to meet and network with someone new. People are linkedin to people, on social media and in real life.
  • asking questions when you hire a career coach. Show up wanting to learn as much as possible; like a new sponge. Absorb all that you can once you’ve invested in you.
  • being persistent in your follow-up with recruiters, hiring leaders and individuals who interviewed you.
  • being courageous!

Taking action on your start, stops, and continues will open up doors, encourage growth in your career, and create pathways to flourish in unplanned avenues. So let’s get moving Einstein, investing in you is your very first #start!


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