career boostWhat personal powers do you have at your fingertips? What have you got going for you because of who you are, your natural tendencies, your experience and what you’ve developed personally and professionally so far?

The beginning of a new year is often a time for self-reflection. It’s a perfect opportunity to consider what we sometimes take for granted. Here are 7 personal powers that can help boost your job hunt or existing job and career prospects.

Network Power – make the most of the connections within your networks; build them further by connecting with people inside and outside your field where the potential for mutual interests can be fostered; sustain them through regular contact and taking an interest; become known for your generosity by referring and making introductions for other people, sharing knowledge and being helpful when others reach out to you.

Social Power – tap into your ability to engage online; grow your thought-leadership; go beyond the text and meet people face-to-face either physically or via Skype; be genuinely social.

Interpersonal Power – use your excellent interpersonal skills to be influential; nurture your ability to be a social hub inside and outside work, the go to person who always listens and asks the right questions well; use your skills at building rapport to develop relationships and be known for your trustworthiness.

Charisma Power – if you’ve got it, flaunt it! Use your magnetism wisely; express your opinions with confidence; adapt your style of communication for different audiences; seek feedback on what you do well and act on constructive criticism; build trust through your natural sincerity, interest in other people and the quality of attention you give them.

Contribution Power – tap into your philanthropic leanings and do something for nothing for a cause that matters to you; volunteer; recognise and reward the contributions and successes of other people.

Specialist Power – don’t be shy about promoting your technical or functional expertise or a particular specialism you have developed; make links between the different know-how you have accumulated to show your all-round depth and breadth.

The Power of Choice – the most important power at your fingertips! Although some of the other powers may not come naturally to you, you can choose to develop your strengths and minimise what holds you back. Focus on what is within your control if you want to change your situation, otherwise you run the risk of things outside of your control changing your situation for you.

Which of these powers resonates with you? Check them out with someone who knows you well.

What could you increase or develop further?

Which ones would help you be better at your current job or match the job or role you are seeking?

What would help boost your career?

May the Force be with you!


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