A Woman’s Guide to Building a Successful Career

Gloria Martinez loves sharing her business expertise and hopes to inspire other women to start their own businesses and seek promotions in the workplace. She created WomenLed.org to spotlight and celebrate women’s achievements.
As a professional woman, you face unique challenges in the working world. Obstacles like the gender pay gap can make charting your path to success daunting. However, it’s important to maintain a positive outlook and not let these potential hurdles deter you. There are many valuable resources available to help you achieve your career dreams. Read on for a quick guide designed to help aspiring career women reach their goals.
Define your goals
Before you can start working towards your goals, you have to define them. Sit down and write out a five-year plan. It’s often easiest to start with the big picture dreams—like becoming a CTO—and then work backward, tracing the steps needed to achieve those big dreams. With your objectives down on paper, you can develop a roadmap of steps needed to reach them, such as getting a certain educational degree.
Write a killer resume and cover letter
Once you have your roadmap in front of you, it will be easier to identify the first logical step towards achieving your dreams. Usually, this involves applying to a certain job. Before sending out applications, take the time to prepare your resume and cover letter. If you’re not a wordsmith, you can hire freelancers with a knack for resume writing to help. Scour work-for-hire platforms like Upwork to find a CV writing service.
Know where to look for opportunities
With your resume and cover letter ready to go, you can start looking for the perfect opportunity to launch your successful career. But where should you look? It depends largely on your goals. There are niche job platforms for all kinds of fields, from sales to graphic design and programming. For example, if you’re interested in public service, Careers in Government is a great place to look for opportunities.

Many people assume that because you work remotely you can take time off whenever you want.
Build up your network
If you’re struggling to find the right job, turn to your network. You never know when a personal connection might offer a fitting opportunity. Even if you’ve already got your dream gig, continue to nurture and build your network. Maintain active profiles on relevant social networking sites like LinkedIn, attend industry events, and participate in conferences. Networking within your company, for example by going to work events, is also a plus.
Find a mentor for career guidance
As you expand your network, keep an eye out for potential mentors. Finding a female mentor who is familiar with the unique hurdles of being a woman in business can be a big boon. They’ll be able to coach you through difficult moments, like asking for a raise or promotion, and provide guidance on suitable next steps as you make your way up the ladder. A mentor can also be a great source of encouragement, acting as a personal cheerleader.
Raise your profile by participating whenever possible
One hurdle women may face in the working world is a lack of visibility. Proactively counter this whenever possible. As Sheryl Sandberg would put it: Lean in! If you’re asked to give a presentation or participate in a panel, say yes. If you’re invited to a conference, make sure to attend. Further, look for ways to raise your profile yourself. For example, publishing thought-leader articles in industry publications—or even via social media like LinkedIn—is helpful.
Nurture your connections for future use
So, you’ve got a great job, have a solid network, and regularly take steps to raise your profile. Great! What next? Continue to nurture that network! Ellevate provides tips for networking and recommends refreshing your network periodically. You don’t want it to get stale. Use every opportunity possible to forge new connections and refresh old ones, making sure to follow up consistently with your most valuable contacts.
The path to career success as a woman isn’t always easy. Knowing where to find opportunities and seizing every chance you’re given can help you achieve your dreams.
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