Giving the Gift of Federal Job Search Support

Giving the Gift of Federal Job Search Support

Gifts come in many forms – a kind word, a selfless promise kept, a kind deed. During this season of giving and receiving, do you have a preferred style of gift giving? Have you considered a non-traditional gift from an expert in their field? I’m talking about a gift...
Police Gatekeepers

Police Gatekeepers

“The new generation of officers only cares about themselves” was the exclamation that came from a police supervisor in a recent 3-day Leader Skills program that I was teaching. The collection of supervisors and managers in attendance ranged in age from their late 20’s...
A New Generation in Local Government

A New Generation in Local Government

Local government has all the elements a young person yearns for in a profession. The work you do is rewarding and immediate, the people you meet are bright and accomplished, and the communities you work in are strong, vibrant and itching for fresh blood to contribute...

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