Underemployment for the Next Generation

Underemployment for the Next Generation

We are increasingly wasting the potential of a huge portion of our population. Higher Education has increased exponentially in its importance, but nations have not done enough to make it easily accessible by their populations. Currently, the costs of education can...
Do You Really Want That Job?

Do You Really Want That Job?

It is no secret that the job market is becoming more and more challenging, and companies are getting flooded with resumes of candidates who are interested in that particular position. So what are companies doing to separate the qualified from the unqualified...
Networking: More Than Just an Exchange

Networking: More Than Just an Exchange

We hear it constantly. “You need to network”.  “Networking is what you need to do in order to secure employment”.  “You must network”.  And so on, and so on, and so on……  But what really is networking?  When asked to define “networking”, most people don’t have a...
Body Language Can Get You That Job

Body Language Can Get You That Job

Have you ever had really exciting news you wanted to share with a friend…maybe you were planning on asking the girl you love to marry you, or you just got a big promotion at work? Then when you tell your friend, they say congratulations and that they are incredibly...

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