So You Don’t Trust Your Boss

So You Don’t Trust Your Boss

Few things zap your motivation than having a bad relationship with your boss. Trust me, I know from experience, people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses.  I have an executive coaching client. Let’s call her Mary. She doesn’t trust her boss, John. She feels John...
Your Career Strategy: Rectangle Boxes

Your Career Strategy: Rectangle Boxes

What you are about to read is more the pilot of a television series than a non-franchise movie.  As a primer, I will begin by asking the question, how does one advance a career in an organization?  I raise this question following two weeks on a new job after staffing...
How to Make Your Career Future-Proof

How to Make Your Career Future-Proof

Worried about what the future holds for your career? You are not the only one who keeps thinking about what scenario will arise in the future that will make a resounding impact on your career. Being in an industry where skills need to be upgraded very often, I have...
Start Your Career in IT: A Progressive Strategy

Start Your Career in IT: A Progressive Strategy

Part 4: A Progressive Career in IT The most fitting way to bring this series to a close is ironically the discussion of patience. I would like to thank all those who have been patient for the past four months as you read and followed this series of articles. The...

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