8 Soft Skills to Land a High Paying Job

8 Soft Skills to Land a High Paying Job

Skills are everything that defines you in your professional life. Some skills are which you acquire during your college and school, and are better known as hard skills. They will define the path of your professional life and be with you for the rest of your life. But...
3 Key Steps For Giving Feedback To Your Boss

3 Key Steps For Giving Feedback To Your Boss

Giving your boss feedback can be a scary thing especially if the feedback is negative or as I call it an opportunity for growth. To prepare yourself for this task, first think of the feedback as an opportunity for growth for both you and your boss. If your boss is...
Pick Your Own Career Adventure

Pick Your Own Career Adventure

A number of the employees at the city where I work are retiring. These events do a few things: they confirm what has been told to me repeatedly and they make me question what position I will be when – more like if – I retire. The apparent number of retirements confirm...
5 Ways to Fire Up Your Employability

5 Ways to Fire Up Your Employability

Being employable is not the same as being employed. Getting the next job is only a step in your lifelong journey of being employable. Becoming and remaining employable involves staying relevant, up-to-date and a good cultural fit. Here are five ways to fire up your...
A Personal Interview

A Personal Interview

I attended a job interview recently. It was my first one for a long time. And it was for a good job. But I am 54 these days, I wear an eyepatch and having been self-employed in a small town for almost 20 years, I believed the odds were well against me. There would...

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