Strengthen your Mental Fitness at Holiday Family Gatherings

Strengthen your Mental Fitness at Holiday Family Gatherings

The holidays evoke feelings of joy and excitement, as well as stress and perhaps anxiety toward family gatherings. With today’s politically charged climate, it’s likely there could be some uncomfortable conversations around the dinner table. Instead of succumbing to the family fights, use the opportunity to strengthen your mental fitness.

Personal and Professional Transformation

Personal and Professional Transformation

As the last month of the calendar year finally arrives and we collectively celebrate the end of one year and the start of a new year, Raymond Carver’s question is so pertinent. As you look over the year that has been, ask yourself: “Was it the year that should have been?” In other words, when you go back to your wish list of dreams on 1 January of this year, “did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?” It is a wonderful question and turns our focus to purposeful self-reflection and to personal and professional transformation.

You Need Culture

You Need Culture

A lot of discussion happens when the question of Culture comes up. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, we all claim to live within a ‘culture’ and that must mean that we, therefore, understand what culture is and how it works. This is similar to the notion that most people have visited a hospital, either to see a loved one or due to personal illness or injury and thus we all know how hospitals work, don’t we? The same is true of schools.

I Was the Perfect Candidate – Why Didn’t I Get the Job?

I Was the Perfect Candidate – Why Didn’t I Get the Job?

You just left the job interview and you know you are PERFECT for the job. How many times has this happened to you and then you didn’t get it? You went over the interview in your mind a hundred times, noted how easily the conversation flowed, how enthusiastic the interviewer was when you described a certain experience or skill. They seemed excited when they said they would get back to you soon.


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