How to Recharge when You Can’t Take Naps at Work

How to Recharge when You Can’t Take Naps at Work

Sleeping on the job is typically frowned upon, and if you work for the federal government, it’s actually officially a workplace taboo. In November 2019, the U.S. government banned naps at work. The General Services Administration issued a statement that said all persons are prohibited from sleeping in federal buildings, except when such activity is expressly authorized by an agency official.

Change Your Organization’s Weather

Change Your Organization’s Weather

Wildfires are much more prevalent these days across the globe. They have the potential of burning large areas in just days or weeks. There is usually a great deal of struggle in containing such wildfires, with the risks of homes and lives being lost looming over those who battle the fires.

How to Make Big Decisions More Effectively

How to Make Big Decisions More Effectively

When it’s time to make a big decision, do you ask for advice? Many of us do, and our default behavior is to go to our most trusted friends or colleagues. These are the people you already talk to often, and who know you well. There is a reason you are inclined to talk with them. It is easier and less energy-intensive for your brain and theirs because they are familiar.


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