5 Health Careers Supported By The Government

5 Health Careers Supported By The Government

The healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. The number of healthcare jobs is expected to grow faster than in any other field – by approximately 26 percent by the year 2020. Many of the estimated 5.6 million new jobs will be in the...
Teamwork Starts at Your Very First Job

Teamwork Starts at Your Very First Job

Throughout the course of my law enforcement career, I found myself—like many others—working to serve and in turn, to have the opportunity to advance in my profession.  As I sought those special assignments, lead roles on projects and ultimately promotions, I learned...
Change Agents Become Leaders in Local Government

Change Agents Become Leaders in Local Government

I once heard it said that “the world is a dirty diaper, let someone else change it”, and of course I chuckled because change can, in some ways, have the same effect on people trapped in a room with a dirty diaper.  They make the face, followed by squirming in their...
How Combining Disciplines Can Help Your Career

How Combining Disciplines Can Help Your Career

The idea of a career as a pre-determined and linear path is being challenged in many areas of working life.  An increasingly common experience is a changing set of mini-careers, like riding a carousel rather than climbing a ladder, where you get on and off at various...

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