Increase Confidence by Improving Your Interview Look

Increase Confidence by Improving Your Interview Look

By Leia O’Connell, MSW Contributor, Career Coach Traditional interview advice should not be a surprise to any job seeker; wear professional clothes, show up on time, don’t finish the lunch you were just eating in the car while being asked about work experience. These...

Significant Service

Significant Service

Do you work in a productive, inspiring workplace? Or is your organization’s culture primarily frustrating and dull? Tiny HR’s  2015 Engagement and Culture Report revealed that only 31 percent of employees feel strongly valued at work. While that is better than the 21%...

Take a Walk down the Street with Me

Take a Walk down the Street with Me

Of the many paths I have had the privilege to walk upon in cities and towns across more than forty states, the most impressive seem to have been the simple and yet symmetrically-beautiful sidewalks created 80, 90 or a hundred years ago or more.  Even in these simple...

How to Deal with Insanely Impossible Co-workers?

How to Deal with Insanely Impossible Co-workers?

If you are done with your graduation recently and about to start your professional career so prior to it, you must develop the skills of dealing with difficult coworkers. Always remember that you are in the beginning of your career so make sure you take every step...

Pushing the Limits of Growth

Pushing the Limits of Growth

Adapted from Pacing for Growth; Why Intelligent Drives Long-Term Success, out in Feb. 2017 It’s difficult to know what the “right” amount of restraint is for a business. Sometimes, leaders lead with too little restraint, sometimes with too much. What’s clear is that...

10 Tools to Create Professional Government Resumes

10 Tools to Create Professional Government Resumes

Getting your resume looking it's best can be intimidating, but help is at hand. There's plenty of help online to help you get your resume looking impressive and get those interview offers rolling in. Here's ten of the best ones for you to try out. Resume Writing Help:...

Beneath a Kennedy Moon

Beneath a Kennedy Moon

Arriving to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on a wonderful summer day in 2016, we parked the family car and began to step out. As I did, I looked up to the beautiful blue sky decorated with magnificent white clouds and a brilliant sun.  Turning, I...

My 6 Pillars of Resolve

My 6 Pillars of Resolve

I attended a cancer conference recently and some of the medics said to me “I wish some of my patients were like you”. It didn’t register with me initially but later I realized that perhaps I had the ability to go places they couldn’t reach. A regular stumbling block...

7 Habits to Help Advance Your Career In Government

7 Habits to Help Advance Your Career In Government

Every worker’s dream is to advance their career and scale to the highest heights in their field of expertise. For instance, Elaine Boone, an HR manager at CareersBooster says, “We are seeing more and more customers who have the intention to get a promotion by leaving...


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