Information Governance: Talk the Talk

Information Governance: Talk the Talk

Information Governance: Talk the Talk ROBIN WOOLEN The Records Guru If there is one thing I’ve found in today’s business world it’s that everyone can use all the buzzwords to keep up with the conversation at meetings and around the office, but if you really ask them...

Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action

Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action

Clear Purpose Leads to Meaningful Action CHRIS EDMONDS CEO, Purposeful Culture Group If I were to ask your front line staff, “What is your organization’s reason for being?” what would they tell me? There’s one way to find out. Ask them. Many frontline staff I have...

The Remarkable Opportunities in Disability Inclusion

The Remarkable Opportunities in Disability Inclusion

The Remarkable Opportunities in Disability Inclusion VALERIE MARTINELLI Valerie is currently the CEO and owner of Valerie Martinelli Consulting, LLC. in which she offers Life, Leadership, and Career coaching for women as well as various Management and Human Resource...

Expand Your Career Opportunities by Exploring New Titles

Expand Your Career Opportunities by Exploring New Titles

Expand Your Career Opportunities by Exploring New Titles   AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY Recognized Leader in Online Education By Leia O’Connell, MSW Contributor, Career Coach Habits…we all have them. Whether it’s folding your laundry in the same way or using the...

How to Get a Return on Your Worksite Wellness Program

How to Get a Return on Your Worksite Wellness Program

How to Get a Return on Your Worksite Wellness Program  ANGELA GAFFNEYSpeaker, Author, Coach There are many reasons to explore a worksite wellness program.  The reason most companies decide to incorporate wellness into the workplace is to decrease healthcare spending...

Dress for Success Leads to Success

Dress for Success Leads to Success

Dressing for Success Leads to Success The popular phrase, “dress for success,” is especially applicable for those striving for a career in government. Looking professional goes beyond the clothes you wear, it shows dedication and respect for both your career and those...

A Very Special Flock

A Very Special Flock

Many years ago, my wife and I moved into a new community.  On the very day we were unloading our household items our new neighbors came over to introduce themselves.  Our visitors included a wonderful family, Scott and Mary and their children, just two houses...

5 Ways to Leverage Your Pain, Disappointments and Heartbreaks

5 Ways to Leverage Your Pain, Disappointments and Heartbreaks

What if you viewed: Pain as fuel Hurt as something to look forward to Disappointments as your servant How would that change your outlook on life? On your relationships? On your business? In your government career? Do me a favor and indulge me until you finish reading...

Win the Interview: How to Ace the 6-second Resume Test

Win the Interview: How to Ace the 6-second Resume Test

We hear it all the time: the average recruiter spends six seconds scanning your resume. That’s right, six seconds decides your future. So how to you pass this test? How do you, second by second, impress a recruiter enough to earn a second look – and perhaps win the...


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