How Governments are Shaping Electric Vehicle Policy Around the World

How Governments are Shaping Electric Vehicle Policy Around the World

From the local level to the national and even international level, governments play a key part in shaping environmental policy. National Geographic states that the effects of climate change will grow in the next few years, citing rising sea levels, stronger hurricanes, increased drought and the spread of diseases as potential consequences. These instances touch every piece of our government, from budgeting to disaster relief programs and many departments in between.

You See More Going Downhill

You See More Going Downhill

They will be coming to an end soon but I am enjoying my 50’s. A stage of your life, better than any other, when everything comes together.
You are old enough, but you are still young enough too.

Should Our Government Use Wellbeing Indicators?

Should Our Government Use Wellbeing Indicators?

“Our Gross National Product…counts air pollution and cigarette advertising…special locks for our doors and the jails for the people who break them. It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl.
It counts napalm and counts nuclear warheads and armored cars for the police to fight the riots in our cities…

Asking for a Raise If You’re a Woman

Asking for a Raise If You’re a Woman

In an ideal world, there’s no gender gap in all areas, including a governmental one. This is the world where we all have equal economic opportunities and where our boss notices all our accomplishments, giving us a raise. In the real world, everything is different.

How to Address Resistance to Change

How to Address Resistance to Change

Often whenever a change is introduced, especially when there is a strong following involved, there is going to be resistance. A recent study revealed that the well-known target of 10,000 steps a day will boost our health is a complete fallacy. Science wasn’t the foundation for that daily target. Lead researcher and Harvard professor I-Min Lee noted, “It likely derives from the trade name of a pedometer sold in 1965 by Yamasa Clock and Instrument Company in Japan called Manpo-kei, which translates to ’10 000 steps meter’ in Japanese.”

How to Shut Down Over-thinking

How to Shut Down Over-thinking

Learn to take back control of your decision-making! Do you often feel that something just isn’t right, but you aren’t sure what’s bothering you about a particular situation? Do you fear your productivity has taken a hit because of the time and energy spent ruminating on decisions? You may be guilty of over-thinking!

How HR Should Evaluate Soft Skills on a Resume

How HR Should Evaluate Soft Skills on a Resume

No one wants to work on a project with a bad communicator, entrust a budget to a weak negotiator or promote an employee with a poor work ethic. Yet too often, hard skills take up more space than soft skills on resumes and in the job descriptions that prompt them.

Strategy and Culture

Strategy and Culture

July in the United States of America is best thought of as the month in which Independence Day is celebrated. Independence for the United States of America was born out of conflict. By its very nature, that conflict was won and independence declared because of a strategy based on solid information and knowledge of the area in which the conflict was being fought and an equally good working knowledge of the capacity and capabilities of the soldiers involved. However, George Washington would not have proven himself to be the great military leader and indeed the great President of the United States that he was, if he were not also ‘attuned’ to the culture within the military he led and as President, within the newly formed union of the United States of America.

Becoming a Better Leader

Becoming a Better Leader

If you have been in one of my audiences as I spoke, read one of my books, or watched one of my videos, you may have heard one of my leadership philosophies: “We don’t lead out of our position; we lead out of our lives…”


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