Is Mainstream Cover Letter Advice Preventing Your Success?

Is Mainstream Cover Letter Advice Preventing Your Success?

One of the questions that I get asked the most is if cover letters are dead. The truth is, no, they are not. As I wrote about last month, ATS is scanning resumes for keywords to filter them more carefully. Due to this, some believe that cover letters slow down the screening process because they force hiring staff to read another document. This isn’t necessarily true, however.

Information Governance Insights: Looking Ahead – Get Your Training Plan Ready!

Information Governance Insights: Looking Ahead – Get Your Training Plan Ready!

Information governance should be part of the annual training regime at every organization right along with safety and sexual harassment. In many organizations, these types of sessions are required for compliance. For others, it is recommended as a standard business process. Regardless, information governance should be part of the curriculum. If this is not the case in your organization you should be meeting with your training department staff immediately and bring it to their attention.

You Need Culture

You Need Culture

A lot of discussion happens when the question of Culture comes up. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, we all claim to live within a ‘culture’ and that must mean that we, therefore, understand what culture is and how it works. This is similar to the notion that most people have visited a hospital, either to see a loved one or due to personal illness or injury and thus we all know how hospitals work, don’t we? The same is true of schools.

Solution-Focused Strategies in the Workplace: The Mad Dash

Solution-Focused Strategies in the Workplace: The Mad Dash

The workplace is constantly evolving, and employees are expected to seamlessly adapt. Although change is inevitable, it is not always welcomed. Changes in the workplace affect more than our work lives. They impact our families, self-care, relationships and much more.

Clue Into Your Staff’s Superpowers

Clue Into Your Staff’s Superpowers

When you started in your management position what was your initial objective? For most of us, we dove into the technical work. We identified the big projects and how we could help keep them on time and within the budget. We focused on the technical challenges and the financial picture.

Harness the Power of Influence and Relationships

Harness the Power of Influence and Relationships

When you are leading others, have you ever considered who are you as a leader? Your leadership point of view can help you stay aligned with your values and build trust and respect between you and your team members.

The Powerful Truth About ATS Friendly Resumes

The Powerful Truth About ATS Friendly Resumes

HR departments receive more resumes than ever because job applicants have more options than ever to apply. This also means that resumes must be filtered more carefully. To handle the increase in applications, more and more organizations are turning to Applicant Tracking Systems, or ATS to scan resumes much more quickly.

Your Reflection

Your Reflection

In the United States, Halloween is a significant celebration. Derived, at least in part, from the ‘Feast of All Hallows (All Saints)’ which falls on November 1 each year, the quote from Lolly Daskal is pertinent. The Saints all had one thing in common, they learned how to develop an interior life that allowed them to ‘lead from within’.

Cybersecurity Best Practices to Bring to Every Job or Employer

Cybersecurity Best Practices to Bring to Every Job or Employer

Looking for jobs in the government sector can provide you with job security, a good retirement plan, and a health insurance program that exceeds most public sector employers. One of the things you can add to your professional resume as you apply for government positions is showing that you have knowledge and understanding of the importance of cybersecurity in the workplace.


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