Expert Advice to Improve Your Diversity Goals

Expert Advice to Improve Your Diversity Goals

It is known that diversity and inclusion practices are beneficial for businesses, their workforce, their customers, and communities. These practices can mean any number of things to many- creating balance within gender, race, sexual orientation, or something else....

Build a Great Personal Brand Through Social Proof

Build a Great Personal Brand Through Social Proof

You’ve heard the saying “guilt by association”– where the reputation you’ve earned, right or wrong, is tied to the behavior of a wrong-doer. No, there is no evidence of your wrong-doing. But you are considered guilty simply by hanging around them. In the Social Age,...

Information Governance Insights: Failure Is Not an Option

Information Governance Insights: Failure Is Not an Option

An information governance program is a massive undertaking and, as with anything worth doing, there are a number of things that could go wrong. In this month's article I'd like to look at a few of the more common issues you might encounter as you develop your program...

The “Privederal” Resume – There’s No Such Thing

The “Privederal” Resume – There’s No Such Thing

By Rachel Dhaliwal Contributor, Career Coach A common misconception I see as a career coach is the idea that a person can write one resume that will serve him in pursuing both private and federal job opportunities. I have come to refer to this type of resume as the...

STEM in Government: 3 Growing Careers to Consider

STEM in Government: 3 Growing Careers to Consider

Holding a degree in a STEM-related field doesn’t always mean pursuing a career in a traditional STEM field. Nearly every industry – from nonprofits to corporate businesses – need STEM knowledge to perform optimally. Government agencies in particular have a strong need...

I Want To “Check the Box” That Says “Bob Is Now a Swimmer”

I Want To “Check the Box” That Says “Bob Is Now a Swimmer”

Question One:  If I did not know how to swim and I wanted to become a swimmer, is there a book you could recommend that if I just read it cover to cover (or at least skimmed it) I could then “Check the Box” that says “Bob is now a swimmer!”? Or Question Two:  Might...

How Healthy Is Your  Leadership System?

How Healthy Is Your Leadership System?

In recent weeks, we have all been informed about the physical, mental and emotional health of the candidates for President of the United States, because we need to know how well they will perform under the pressure of high office. When assessing the health of our...

The Oft-Overlooked Secret to Success

The Oft-Overlooked Secret to Success

In his book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini lists six principles of ethical persuasion. The first principle he discusses is reciprocity. “The reciprocity rule says that we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us,” he...

Pre-Interview Assessments Can Decrease Discrimination

Pre-Interview Assessments Can Decrease Discrimination

Every company wants to minimize its exposure to litigation and discrimination which has become a hot button issue as employment discrimination claims continue to rise. The good news is that if an employer implements best practices with regard to avoiding...


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