Many years ago, my wife and I moved into a new community. On the very day we were unloading our household items our new neighbors came over to introduce themselves. Our visitors included a wonderful family, Scott and Mary and their children, just two houses...
5 Ways to Leverage Your Pain, Disappointments and Heartbreaks
What if you viewed: Pain as fuel Hurt as something to look forward to Disappointments as your servant How would that change your outlook on life? On your relationships? On your business? In your government career? Do me a favor and indulge me until you finish reading...
Win the Interview: How to Ace the 6-second Resume Test
We hear it all the time: the average recruiter spends six seconds scanning your resume. That’s right, six seconds decides your future. So how to you pass this test? How do you, second by second, impress a recruiter enough to earn a second look – and perhaps win the...
An Authentic Culture Creates Strong Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is a difficult code to crack. Many employers are unsure of exactly how to boost it and what works. However, one thing that we all can agree on is that it has been declining. It is not easy to find out what works because employee engagement is...
Envy and the Call to Humility
Employee motivation comes in multiple forms. Some are motivated by recognition and the pursuit of job titles while others are content maintaining the status quo. Some stereotypes of government employees suggest veteran municipal workers are content holding the same...
5 Essential Practices for Public Sector Managers
2017 was declared “the year of the middle manager” by The Workforce Institute’s Top Workplace Trends for 2017 report. What does this mean for you? It means that in the public mindset, you’re finally getting recognition as the Rosetta Stone of your organization; an...
Football and Faith
Careers in Government likes when this article has a link to the month in which it is published. Valentine’s Day was suggested as a possible thread with which to weave but I have opted for a February event a little less obvious, but perhaps even more loved! An event...
Internships While on Active Duty: Yes, It’s Possible!
By Rachel Dhaliwal Contributor, Career Coach If you’re like most service members, chances are you’ve assumed that you can’t have an internship while on active duty. A logical assumption, to be sure, but as it turns out, also an inaccurate one. There are a few...
Is Conventional Productivity Wisdom Truly Wise?
“Don’t check your email first thing in the morning.” “Only check email at set times during the day.” “Make appointments for important tasks.” There’s no shortage of productivity advice out there between blogs, books, presentations and workshops. Often, you will hear...