I was speaking with a client, which led to an interesting discussion about illegal hiring questions and topics. As a Career Coach, I think about this from candidate’s perspective but as an HR Consultant, I also consider it from an organizational viewpoint as well. So, what are some of the illegal topics?
Customer Service Excellence
As the domestic United States’ economy becomes increasingly focused on service industries away from manufacturing, local governments will continue to be compared to for-profit businesses and the way they treat customers.
The Postage Stamp & How to Finally Overcome Fear
Consider the postage stamp. It travels to far and distant lands. It leaves its family (the rest of the book of stamps it was plucked from) and it never sees them again. I’m sure that is fearful for the stamp, but it knows that it has a job to do. It stares fear in the face and forges on. If the postage stamp can do it, you can too.
Information Governance Insights: Out with the Old and in with the New
If there is one constant in life it’s that change is inevitable. This axiom is painfully obvious when dealing with technology. There is not a week that goes by where our phones do not have a multitude of updates.
Shared Values and Common Goals
A leader’s job is to get things done through others. In order to make sure this is happening, organizations carefully monitor all sorts of data–production, sales, profits, market share, deadlines–and more.
5 Reasons Why 57% of Employees Don’t Trust Their Leaders
Have you ever wondered about the state of modern leadership? There are many published articles covering the importance of trust in a workplace, how distrust can cost your company, and how to improve trust levels within your business, but are you fully aware of just how many employees trust their managers?
4 Things Your Team Needs from You
Chances are, you are a leader at work. Whether you have direct reports or not, in some way, shape or form, you have to demonstrate leadership qualities.
Just Send Us Your Resume
A good resume gives information about you, a great résumé tells a story, so that you (the employer) feel compelled to ask questions and learn more.
The Boss Who Has Your Back
She smiled for the first time that day. It was the start to a beautiful mentoring relationship. She
always had my back after that day. I learned a valuable lesson on leadership in that awful,
horrible day. The VP who initially had her back firmly against the wall in a defensive posture
took the time to think things through and took a risk on a naïve, but passionate kid. It made all
the difference for me.