Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

Succession Planning From 5,000 Feet

A key question to ask related to succession planning is, why are you doing it? Another question might be, what do you want the successors to be prepared to do? These two questions fit well together and if they are both not answered with the best thinking you can muster, your succession planning effort could be just checking another box in your organizational life.

Interview Tips: “Tell Me a Little About Yourself” (Just Not Too Much)

Interview Tips: “Tell Me a Little About Yourself” (Just Not Too Much)

Often, the first question you’re asked during an interview is one of the most difficult; “Tell me a little about yourself.” It’s so broad that it can be hard to know where to begin. What are the most important pieces of information to share without rambling? Check out these tips on how to avoid stumbling on the first step.

Stanislaus County Offering Exciting Incentives to Nurses

Stanislaus County Offering Exciting Incentives to Nurses

Stanislaus County is a remarkable community that features fantastic educational opportunities to help you grow, flexible work schedules that help you maintain a comfortable work/home balance, a wide range of entertainment choices when you’re ready for a little rest and relaxation, and versatile health services outlets that enable you to pursue the career of your dreams while making a real difference in the lives of people from all walks of life.

7 Advantages of Working in the Healthcare Industry

7 Advantages of Working in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is typically a broad term that is used to describe a variety of careers that cater to health services to those who are in need of them. However, the benefits that come from healthcare jobs make it popular among graduates who are looking to make the switch to a more profitable career. 

You Got Promoted! You’re Now A Leader!

You Got Promoted! You’re Now A Leader!

You have worked hard at developing your career and won a promotion, a junior leadership role. Well done! All you have to do is work hard in this new job and your future in leadership is assured! That’s the plan.

Lousy Bosses are Lousy Role Models

Lousy Bosses are Lousy Role Models

One of my lousy bosses (yes, I’ve had more than one) would make grand promises to staff and customers but kept few commitments. I learned not to trust his word.


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