I’ve Got the Job (Well Almost)!

I’ve Got the Job (Well Almost)!

So, you tidied up your Résumé, polished off your Cover Letter and sent your job application in. It seems like months ago that you did that and at last the phone call has arrived. You tell your friends and family that you think you’ve got the job, if you can only get through the interview next week! It can’t be that hard, could it?

5 Things That Can Cause Leaders to Fail

5 Things That Can Cause Leaders to Fail

It is far easier to focus on how well we are managing budgets, casting vision, charting direction and delegating responsibilities to others. It’s a simple task to focus on all the things we are doing correctly while systematically ignoring the very things that could be causing us to fail as leaders.

7 Learning Habits to Thrive in a Chaotic World

7 Learning Habits to Thrive in a Chaotic World

A paradigm shift is happening today about the meaning of work, what a job is, what it means to be an employee, and the changing nature of a working life. We are working and living longer, so it’s crazy to think of education as a single decade at the beginning of our lives when we might have seven or eight more!

A Choice of Gratitude

A Choice of Gratitude

I’m blessed to have had many people in my life who demonstrated the benefits of simply being nice. I’m able to interact with and learn from, some of the nicest people on the planet, including my wife, Diane, Ken Blanchard, and others. I’ve learned the science of positive psychology and well being from the wonderful Lisa Zigarmi.

4 Problems with Email, and How to Change Them

4 Problems with Email, and How to Change Them

Face it, email is here to stay. We tend to have a love/hate relationship with email. On the one hand, it provides us the connection, information, and even business leads we need. On the other, it is the source of some ongoing problems. But there are ways to make changes that will help. Let’s look at four.

Making Better Margins

Making Better Margins

Many years ago, I enjoyed an all-too-brief read of Max De Pree’s, Leadership is an Art. In that book, De Pree encourages readers to ‘make the book your own’ by interacting with it, including the active writing along the pages’ edge with responses to key and significant concepts an author proposes or illustrates.

Expert Advice to Ensure a Superior Interview Process

Expert Advice to Ensure a Superior Interview Process

I was speaking with a client, which led to an interesting discussion about illegal hiring questions and topics. As a Career Coach, I think about this from candidate’s perspective but as an HR Consultant, I also consider it from an organizational viewpoint as well. So, what are some of the illegal topics?

Customer Service Excellence

Customer Service Excellence

As the domestic United States’ economy becomes increasingly focused on service industries away from manufacturing, local governments will continue to be compared to for-profit businesses and the way they treat customers.


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