Recognition is the Best Way to Improve Employee Morale

Recognition is the Best Way to Improve Employee Morale

More than ever before, organizations rely on their employees’ involvement, enthusiasm and commitment to be successful. The best customer service can only be achieved when employees bring their best selves to work each and every day. But how can leaders in an organization ensure that each employee does this?

Digital Transformation: Beware of Elephants and Gorillas

Digital Transformation: Beware of Elephants and Gorillas

It seems that everyone these days is racing to transform their organization in order to take advantage of the Big Data wave. As I’ve been saying for several years, Big Data and Business intelligence are important and valuable technologies every organization should implement if they want to keep up with their competitors.

Are Trading Posts the Future of Local Government?

Are Trading Posts the Future of Local Government?

It is an all-too-familiar fact that professional athletes can and do become part of trades between teams seeking to improve. Typically focusing upon acquiring someone who offers a set of skills that will enhance the current team, these trades also can be seen also offer the opportunity to help on organization.

My 5 Pillars of Resolve

My 5 Pillars of Resolve

Many people have asked me what goes through your head in the middle of an extreme cancer battle. Where did I find the resolve to keep going when everything looked so dark? And did I take anything from the experience that I still apply in my life today?

Tell Me About Yourself:  How to Formulate Your Answer

Tell Me About Yourself: How to Formulate Your Answer

There is neither a right nor wrong answer – just the right way to answer. The question is broad enough to give you leeway to draft an answer unique to you. You have carte blanche to frame a professional answer to present yourself in the best light. So, how do you do it?

Launching a Competitive Job Search with Expert Advice

Launching a Competitive Job Search with Expert Advice

As a Career Coach, clients are always looking for hacks to get them ahead in their job search. So, what can you do and what tools can you leverage to get you ahead of the game? Let’s look at some of the things that work…

Kill the Dread of Unlikable Tasks – How to Take Advantage of Time

Kill the Dread of Unlikable Tasks – How to Take Advantage of Time

Every month, I prepare a statistical and financial report on a project for which there are ongoing sales and other people involved. No one is standing over my shoulder waiting for the information, but it is useful.One day, toward the end of my work day, that task remained on my list. So I changed the due date and closed up shop for the day. The next morning, when I had limited time, I decided to see how long it would take to actually do the task and get the report out, so I set a timer and dove in.

Purpose-driven Leadership

Purpose-driven Leadership

Legendary U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps, said in an ESPN documentary that he was considering suicide in 2014, but was saved in part by reading Rick Warren’s, “The Purpose Driven Life. Phelps holds the overall medal count record with 22 medals and the gold medal record with 18 gold medals.

Successful Survey Strategies in Government

Successful Survey Strategies in Government

Last November, the government I am employed by requested employees take the organization’s anonymous biannual survey. As with any organization-wide, multiple question survey, the results are at times underwhelming because of the central limit theorem, but the trends are none-the-less interesting.


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