Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

Career Moves: Where Do You Want to Be?

It’s often tempting in life to do what’s easiest and in front of us rather than stepping back to take a wider and more considered view. Doing something, anything, can feel better than nothing at all. Although tactics may get you somewhere, however, is it where you want to be?

7 Leadership Rules for Gaining More Influence

7 Leadership Rules for Gaining More Influence

It can be lonely at the top. When we are in a position of leadership, we can find it difficult to share our struggles. If we share our challenges with those that report to us, it can seem like a weakness in our leadership ability.

Service and Sacrifice: When Thanks Are Backed By Action

Service and Sacrifice: When Thanks Are Backed By Action

Did you know that anyone who enlists in the US military the first time incurs an eight-year service commitment? A recruit might sign a two- or four-year active duty contract; after their active duty period ends, they engage in active or inactive reserve duty for the remainder of that 8-year commitment, whether having been drafted or having volunteered into service.

How to be Thanked for YOUR Thank You Notes

How to be Thanked for YOUR Thank You Notes

How long has it been since you’ve received a genuinely sincere written or electronically typed thank you note? The nice yet empty, “Thank You” response that we use so easily in emails, texts, and social media is not what I’m referring to. I’m talking about the moment makers; the sweet, thought out, and inspiring thank you note that makes you stop and want to genuinely thank the person back for making your day.

Body Language Tips You Need To Learn Now

Body Language Tips You Need To Learn Now

In every person’s life, there comes a time when you know an important event or opportunity is approaching. And that you need to make the absolute most out of it. It can be anything: a job interview, a business meeting, a serious deal, a talk with a boss, or even a promotion. Whatever the case may be, you have to be ready for it.

I Can’t Believe You Said That! Statements Not to Make to Millennials

I Can’t Believe You Said That! Statements Not to Make to Millennials

I recently had the opportunity to attend a team meeting where the manager was giving feedback to his team of 30 millennials who worked for him in a local catering business. I remember some of my supervisors in the past saying the same type of things to me. His statements brought back a flood of memories and reminded me how ineffective such statements can be.

50 Ways to Love Your Leader

50 Ways to Love Your Leader

Many of us will remember a catchy tune by Paul Simon from the 1970’s called, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. As I listened to it in my car yesterday during my commute, I found myself actively thinking about trying to follow along with the song as I pondered some strong themes in how we can support those who lead us.

Top 10 Free Resume Builder Software of 2018

Top 10 Free Resume Builder Software of 2018

Very few of us have ever had the privilege of handing in our resume confidently along with a new job application. There is always that fear in the back of our minds: was it safe to include my 5th-grade karate certificate as an achievement?


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