If data is the foundation of this decision-making, data literacy, in turn, is the foundation of AI use.
Tolerating Disrespect Leads to Frustration, Chaos
Ignoring players that frequently discount, demean, or dismiss their colleagues or customers will not stop that disrespectful behavior.
Why Gen Z Is Shifting to Government Work, and How to Keep Them Engaged Post-Hire
These young professionals have faced economic instability and are tired of the frequent layoffs in the private sector.
A New Dimension to Workforce Planning: Costly Worker Shortages
Job vacancies are normal but when the numbers increase, it causes burnout and increased worker ‘quits’.
How to Put a Positive Spin on Your Employment Gaps
The primary step to making an employment gap work in your favor is to accept it.
Leadership and Perception
How you perceive things, events, people, and interactions is an ongoing activity, second by second, minute by minute, day by day.
Define Your Work Culture with Respect, Accountability & Cooperation
The biggest issue facing business leaders during a transition is that for many, the work culture in place pre-crisis wasn’t very healthy.
14 Tips for Improving Feedback
When working with others, there is ample opportunity to provide feedback.
It’s Time to Lead (Mindfully) in the Public Sector
The variety of positive and negative emotions felt by workers encapsulates the nuances within the changing landscape of the modern-day workplace.