“I think the problem is that these millennials just don’t care,” Sara shared with us candidly in a moment of total frustration.
We both looked at each other and then at her, “Uh…you do realize YOU are a millennial, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she acknowledged, “but I’m a DIFFERENT kind of millennial.”
Of course she is, and so were the people who were frustrating her.
No matter what generation you’re in, we’d bet money you don’t feel like you fit the stereotype.
Enhance Your Meetings by Taking the Emotional Temperature of the Room
Have you ever felt a certain “temperature” in a room when you walk into a meeting? I’m not talking about whether the room is too hot or too cold, but the emotional temperature.
Discover the emotional temperature by making it easy for participants to state their feelings about the topic, process, or outcome. This knowledge gives you a productivity edge. Check out this example. It was a tiring meeting, but we knew it would be. The strategic planning discussion would set the future direction and tone for the organization.
Two Proven Approaches to Catching People Doing Things Right
During a session with a culture change client, the organization’s president had an epiphany: “For 30 years I thought my job was to manage processes and results. This culture change journey has helped me redefine my job – to manage people’s energy.”
Why Your Self-Esteem Is Tied to Your Negotiation Skills
Do you feel extreme discomfort, anxiety, and apprehension whenever you have to reach an agreement with others on contractual terms? You may not realize this, but low self-esteem might be damaging your deal-closing success rate. Your self-esteem is tied to your negotiation skills in a number of essential ways.
Writing a Motivational Letter for a Government Career
You know how to write a resume. But when it comes to a government sector, it’s not enough for paving your way for the dream job. A wisely structured personal statement aka motivational letter is that very detail you need to stand out from the crowd of other candidates.
The Importance of Data Protection in a Government Career
World Backup Day is celebrated annually on March 31st. It serves as a reminder to the importance of protecting your data to avoid the risk of losing private and sensitive information. As a government employee, taking precautions to protect both your personal and work-related data is crucial.
Problems to Solve – You Need a Holiday!
Imagine giving such a response to your boss when they offer you a promotion or to take the lead on a strategically significant project for your Government agency. Imagine saying “sure, I’ll get onto that as soon as I’ve had a vacation with my family!” Too often we fear that such a statement will lead to such a career changing offer going towards someone else. We fear that it sends the wrong message! Does it though? The simple answer is that it does not necessarily have to be sending a negative message and creative leaders most likely know this!
Why Is the US So Unhealthy?
Why is the U.S. only the 35th healthiest country in the world? Can our federal and state governments do anything about it?
How to Target My Resume for Multiple Jobs
Sending out generic resumes to dozens of companies never worked in the past, and it especially won’t work in today’s job searching climate. However, you may have just spent hundreds of dollars on a professionally crafted resume or spent as many hours creating one yourself and cannot invest that much time or money on one for every position for which you are applying. So, how do you take your final executive resume and use it to apply for multiple jobs, let alone match it to various job descriptions? Here are some tips to consider when writing those resumes.