How to Use Social Data to Find the Best Employers

How to Use Social Data to Find the Best Employers

I spend a lot of time listening to job seekers discuss their skills and accomplishments and expressing their concerns as to how those skills can help or hinder their job search and their careers. Unfortunately, not enough emphasis is put on soft skills, which are the most important ones. Soft skills are the non-measurable, subjective skills that are not specific to one’s role, industry, or their career. They typically speak to how well one interacts with others. They are essentially personality traits that help define one’s character, however, they do offer less proof of their experience.

Relational Leadership and MAD Leadership Matter!

Relational Leadership and MAD Leadership Matter!

Let us turn now to the question, how much are you worth to your Government agency? Assuming the job you do has been well designed and that you interact with members of the public on a regular basis (thus have a professional relationship with the public), or that you support those that do, then you are immensely valuable to your Government agency.

Careers in Adaptive Sports

Careers in Adaptive Sports

It isn’t always common to think of sports careers in conjunction with military or government careers; however, careers in adaptive sports are increasing in numbers, popularity, and necessity. Just recently, Tampa, Florida hosted the Department of Defense Warrior Games in June of this year. Thousands of athletes from different countries and different branches of the military came together to compete in athletic events ranging from swimming, track, archery, indoor rowing, sitting volley ball, wheel chair rugby, and more. Behind these amazing athletes were the stories and circumstances that have been infused into their athletic journey, along with hundreds of people who have worked to support each athlete in that journey and at each athletic event.

Nail Your Interview with an Insightful Brand Statement

Nail Your Interview with an Insightful Brand Statement

We often think of a brand statement as applicable to a company, but did you know you have a personal brand statement as well? When preparing for an interview, your priority should be creating a confident, accurate brand statement. This is a personal summary of who you are, your skills, and attributes you bring. You must be clear, succinct, and land the message.

Why Organizations Can’t Afford to Tolerate Bullying

Why Organizations Can’t Afford to Tolerate Bullying

Bullying causes immense personal grief as well as inhibiting employee work performance and work passion. Even so, it is all too common that bullying is ignored in organizations. Bullying often takes the form of subtle behaviors over time as opposed to bold actions – so, it can be difficult to gauge if a particular boss or employee is bullying.

Nine Tips for Ensuring People Meet Your Expectations

Nine Tips for Ensuring People Meet Your Expectations

I was recently visiting with a friend who just so happens to be a vice president within her company. I could tell that she was frustrated so I asked her about it. She told me that she was frustrated because of something that had happened in an important meeting. She indicated that one of her colleagues had spent most of their meeting complaining about having to fire one of his key people. When she asked why he had to terminate the individual, he indicated that his employee was not meeting his expectations. When she asked him if he had given this individual that feedback, he stated, “No. I hate doing that kind of thing, but now I have to get rid of him anyway, which is even harder.” She was troubled by not only his lack of candor, but also of his unwillingness to manage his own expectations.

Cybersecurity Careers in Government: Which is the Best Fit for You?

Cybersecurity Careers in Government: Which is the Best Fit for You?

Jobs in cybersecurity are in high demand, with companies and organizations throughout the country hiring cyber talent to keep data safe and computer networks secure. If you’re considering a career in cybersecurity, a job in the government sector comes with good benefits and advantages not found in other businesses.

How Governments are Shaping Electric Vehicle Policy Around the World

How Governments are Shaping Electric Vehicle Policy Around the World

From the local level to the national and even international level, governments play a key part in shaping environmental policy. National Geographic states that the effects of climate change will grow in the next few years, citing rising sea levels, stronger hurricanes, increased drought and the spread of diseases as potential consequences. These instances touch every piece of our government, from budgeting to disaster relief programs and many departments in between.


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