In this tough job market, people in your network can be strategic partners in your job search. If you’re in the midst of a job hunt, having sharp networking skills is imperative.
How to Ace Your Interview – No Matter Their Style
As you get ready for your interview, know your resume, prepare answers to commonly asked questions in advance, and know your value. No matter who you meet at your interview, your job is to prepare!
Why Change Sucks (And How You Can Successfully Navigate it!)
This Covid-19 virus thing is new for most of us and we’re still not sure how to react. The world we knew is on hold. It’s adjusting and it’s going to be fine. Question
is‐ are YOU going to be fine?
Are You Taking Advantage of Teamwork during the Pandemic?
Working in well-functioning teams has distinct advantages, not only in the quality of work produced, but also in the positive effect that teamwork has for those on the team.
Keeping Hope Alive
One could be forgiven for thinking that during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the virus had not just infected our bodies but our minds as well.
What’s Happening? The Importance of Knowing What Influences Your Organization
Despite the desire to avoid change, in a fast-paced world, there are constant influences outside your organization that can affect its direction.
23 Leadership Habits of Successful Government Employees
These habits can easily be translated into leadership qualities that help propel government employees to success.
Two Unexpected Ways to Earn the Attention of Your Distracted Team
Teammates get distracted constantly by the barrage of noise around them – and that means they do not pay as much attention to YOUR emails, conversations, texts, or smoke signals. So, if you want to get and keep their attention you NEED to take note of these 2 unexpected suggestions to improve your impact.
In the majority of the personal development material I’ve studied, the emphasis on clarity comes back again and again.