COVID-19 and the Changing Employment Landscape

COVID-19 and the Changing Employment Landscape

2020’s game changing employment landscape across the globe is creating unwelcome change, for billions in the workforce, as we head into Q2. Covid-19 is the antagonistic contagion, forcing a shared, crystallized vision for all of us, personally and professionally.

Can Medicare for All Work?

Can Medicare for All Work?

Single payer healthcare represents a relatively simple set of processes, at least compared to the very complex U.S. healthcare system

Reinventing Your Team in the Midst of COVID-19

Reinventing Your Team in the Midst of COVID-19

No matter how bad something is, there is always something of value to be glimpsed, learned, or received. COVID-19 is no exception. In the midst of a global pause to stop the spread of the virus, we are witnessing the best of the human spirit when it rises above fear to meet challenge.

Understanding HR is the Beating Heart of your Organization

Understanding HR is the Beating Heart of your Organization

Whether heads of families, corporations or government agencies, it is incumbent upon each of us to evaluate how we can do better—both now and in the future—to prepare for and cope with both small- and large-scale emergencies.

The City of Champions: The Power of Local Government Branding

The City of Champions: The Power of Local Government Branding

When Inglewood dubbed itself “The City of Champions” the proclamation produced enormous civic pride and instilled a great deal of inspiration throughout the community. Few mottos have the power to touch the hearts and souls of those tied to a City as much as one that speaks directly to the human spirit. A human spirit that combines character with grit and determination to succeed at a championship level, regardless of the endeavor.

Cues for Connecting with Generation Z

Cues for Connecting with Generation Z

A while back I wrote an article detailing ideas for connecting with various generations. As Generation Z is now starting to enter the workforce, I thought it was important to provide some tips for interacting with them as well. Last summer, my two Zs came home from college, and I experienced them in a different way.

Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs and Utilization in US Healthcare

Effective Strategies to Reduce Costs and Utilization in US Healthcare

Our healthcare costs keep increasing much faster than inflation, year after year. According to figures released in December 2019 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the annual growth rate of healthcare spending was 4.6% in 2018, vs. 3.9% in 2017, 4.8% for 2016 and 5.8% for 2015. We spent $3.6 trillion in this area, or 17.8% of GDP.


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