Many public employers continue to rely on pay programs adopted decades ago, a time when women and minorities were rarely involved or considered in the decisions.
What’s Your Leadership Story?
What is your leadership origin that made you the leader you are today? Which lens does your story lean into?
Prevent the Sabotage of Tack Attacks
I don’t think I can solve the bicycle race “tack attacks” issue in this post, so let’s look at “tack attacks” in your workplace.
Job Rejection – What Stage is Stalling My Progress?
Having a resume that truly markets all you have to offer and being fully prepared for a job interview will help you land the right career with the right company.
The Power of Community
How we interact with each other and indeed, who we interact with and when we interact with people are critical to the creation of healthy, empowering relationships.
What Jobseekers Need to Do to Avoid Burnout
It is quite easy to become overwhelmed in our current times and to get lost in taking care of yourself because the demands are constant, front-in-center, and at home with us most of the time.
Ten Skills for Technical Professionals When they Become a Manager: Know Who is In the Know
Technical professionals with excellent skills and attention to detail are often offered the opportunity to become managers.
12 Golden Rules for Building a Feedback-Rich Culture
We know feedback within a company is important. But how much do you know about building a feedback-rich culture? How can your company put practical, helpful measures in place to ensure feedback is delivered continually, and that it is well-received?
5 Writing Tips to Build Your CV During the COVID-19
Among those who were forced into unemployment, there are people from different industries, including former government workers who didn’t have the opportunity to do their work remotely.