In showing care and concern for others, collectively we stand on a precipice. At this point, we seek to create a
new world, one that echoes the call of care, concern, cooperation and compassion.
3 Competitor Analysis Frameworks to Help You Secure Your Dream Job
Competitor analysis frameworks help companies identify where they rank against other competitors.
Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Work
The coronavirus pandemic has transformed the way many of us live our daily lives, including where and how we work.
Public Agencies and Getting Back to Open Public Meeting
Local governments should never get comfortable with or endorse any methods that lead to keeping the public at a distance.
Living & Leading in the Temporary: The Valley between Now and Tomorrow
‘Living in the temporary’ is neither a state of hope nor is it a state of despair. It is something else.
A Year to Never Forget
I hope that the world will learn from the co-operation and determination we all showed through the negativity of this year.
Essential Elements to Consider for a Career Change
If that unhappiness comes home with you at the end of the day, it’s time to seriously consider moving on from your current job.
5 Sure Fire Ways to Grow Workplace Leadership in 2021
Growing your workplace leadership in 2021 will require us to look at people differently. We’ve been through hell and perhaps lost friends and loved ones.
Define Expectations for a Better Culture Fit
Would you like to improve your “batting average” on new hires, and enjoy greater culture fit more frequently?