Unleash the Lion Within – The King of Concrete Jungle

Unleash the Lion Within – The King of Concrete Jungle

The world of work is being profoundly affected by the global virus pandemic. In addition to the threat to public health, the economic and social disruption threatens the long-term livelihoods and wellbeing of millions.

Communication, Crisis and Culture

Communication, Crisis and Culture

In times of crisis, leaders of Government and heads of Government Agencies need to be crystal clear about the message and the message needs to engender hope.

Leading with Humanity

Leading with Humanity

I am writing this because I want to encourage other leaders to allow these moments of vulnerability in their organizations and hope that other teams will be open to sharing their truth as our team did.

Is HR Ready for a Redefined Future?

Is HR Ready for a Redefined Future?

For far too long the HR function has had a limited, backroom role – administering HR policies and systems, keeping personnel records, enforcing employment laws, and handling problem employees.


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