You can rarely find a modern digital marketing guide that doesn’t consider video as a critical component of most marketing strategies.
Impossible Goals: What Are They and How Could They Level Up Your Goals This 2021
You’ll start mapping out your big goals and break them down into smaller goals.
Creatively convening during COVID-19: It’s possible!
Many government agencies have transitioned to working from home and only see each other during virtual meetings.
The Pandemic Has Triggered a Need to Rethink Performance Management
In government, a largely unrecognized aspect of the problem is that “performance” has been addressed by two distinct groups of practitioners with minimal overlap.
Why Can’t I Find a Job? – Finding Your Stumbling Block
When searching for a job, there are factors beyond your control. When searching for a job, there are factors beyond your control.
Information Governance Insights: Managing information in a remote working world
Most organizations have had remote working policies and procedures in place for quite some time, but never to the scale that is required currently with the pandemic.
Information Governance Insights: Spring Cleaning Time!
Groundhog Day has come and gone. Whatever the prognostication Spring is definitely on the way! This signals the ancient tradition of Spring Cleaning! It’s time to open the house up and get rid of the refuse that has gathered over the winter months. The same goes for all organizations. Information Governance Professionals should take a hint from human nature and have their own Spring Cleaning Day to review the existing files and, following the Records Retention Schedule.
Workplace Leadership in 2021: Be a Beacon of Hope
Empathy, listening, sharing and caring must go both ways to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
7 Career Tips for the COVID Shutdown
Some states have also opened separate job seeker outreach programs and unemployment programs offering special Pandemic Unemployment Benefits.