Veterans Are Taking Off Their Boots To Put On a Suit

Veterans Are Taking Off Their Boots To Put On a Suit

The biggest problem with Taking Off the Boots To Put On A Suit is the transition from service member to civilian. Every service member knows that the mission to protect America comes first. This means your time while in service is consumed with tactical and strategic...

Retaining Employment in a Tumultuous Economy

Retaining Employment in a Tumultuous Economy

Looking for a new position is challenging as we know it, however, retaining one’s position in the perpetual fluid workplace can be just as tough.  Fortunately, there are strategies that you can put into place, starting today, that will offer you increased value to...

Take Charge of Your Career by Taking Control of Your Time

Take Charge of Your Career by Taking Control of Your Time

Contrary to popular belief, being over-booked and over-stressed is not a sign of success. If your email inbox is always overflowing, your to-do list never ends, and you often find yourself without time to eat lunch, you may be a Very Important Person with lots of very...

Strategy and Costing:  The Core of  Public Sector Labor Negotiations

Strategy and Costing: The Core of Public Sector Labor Negotiations

Among the many facets of public administration one can be immersed into, perhaps the most interesting (and at times nerve-racking) is that of public sector labor negotiations. There are many great books, essays, and papers that discuss the broad field of negotiations...

How to Stick with Your New Year’s Resolutions at Work

How to Stick with Your New Year’s Resolutions at Work

Oh, January. The month always starts out with so much promise—it’s a chance to set goals for the upcoming year and wipe the slate clean of past bad habits. We start out strong, buying fresh ingredients at the grocery store or starting a gym membership, but midway...

How To Add Social To Your Recruiting Strategy

How To Add Social To Your Recruiting Strategy

With the hiring market rebounding, HR departments are becoming acutely aware of two things. Firstly they need to take steps to improve their staff retention rates. But more than that, they need to address how they can significantly up their game in the recruitment...

What Does it Take to be a Firefighter?

What Does it Take to be a Firefighter?

A career in the fire service will test you every day and can be incredibly satisfying. Firefighting requires exceptionally difficult and demanding physical work. You will perform strenuous activities and handle all types of emergencies, including life-or-death...

Interviewing the Job

Interviewing the Job

While most people consider the job interview process a way for an employer to find the best candidate to fill a job vacancy, the interview is also a tool that job seekers can use to determine whether the hiring organization is right for them.  Sure, the adage that...

The Appeal of Local Government

The Appeal of Local Government

Despite serving on the Advisory Board of an organization dedicated to local government professionals, I came into my MPA program at UNC-Chapel Hill interested in federal government. But over the last five months, while maintaining an interest in the federal...


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