A Career In Public Safety

A Career In Public Safety

In pursuing A Career In Public Safety, I needed a new suit for several upcoming interviews as I ventured into a career in Public Safety. I visited a men’s clothing store and was helped by a salesman who presented himself with a “kindred spirit” like connection. In the...

Ageism and Your Job Search

Ageism and Your Job Search

A common concern of job seekers who have more tenure in their career is that they are afraid they are being overlooked because of their age.  Ageism, or stereotyping and discriminating against individuals based on age, unfortunately does happen in our society.  In...

Why Are You The Best Person For The Job?

Why Are You The Best Person For The Job?

What did you answer the last time a hiring manager asked you why you were the best person for the job during an interview?  A lot of us can look back over our job searches and remember times we fumbled with this common interview question.  After all, “best” is a...

Why We Need More Women in Government

Why We Need More Women in Government

Government officials are the representatives of the people, whether they are working at the local, state or even federal level. The problem with the government is that men significantly outnumber women as representatives. The United States has a very low rate of...

Performance Management: A Leadership Perspective

Performance Management: A Leadership Perspective

Recently, I have been challenged to understand the relationship between leadership and performance management.    This relationship is important to understand because performance metrics are found everywhere.   You can’t escape them.   From test scores, to quotas, to...

Fire Service Resume: Is It Good Enough to Get a Job? Part 2

Fire Service Resume: Is It Good Enough to Get a Job? Part 2

Welcome back!  Are you ready for the second installment of “Your Resume, Is It Good Enough To Get You A Job”?  In part one of this series we identified the major topic headings of your resume. To recap, they are:  Professional Experience, Education, Certifications and...

International Relations Fields of Study

International Relations Fields of Study

Earning a master’s degree in international relations (IR) is a great way to build your resume in preparation for employment with the federal government. In fact, most IR positions require job candidates to have a master’s degree. A new entrant into this job market...

5 Simple Questions That Can Help You Find Your Passion

5 Simple Questions That Can Help You Find Your Passion

Finding your passion can often feel like an overwhelming task. There are tons of assessments, questions, blogs, books and speeches out there, and wading through them all is a gargantuan project. Whew! It’s hard to know where to start.But what if starting was actually...

Three Reasons Why Your Federal Resume Is Failing

Three Reasons Why Your Federal Resume Is Failing

What amount of competition are you facing when you apply for a federal job? Would it surprise you to know that federal job postings are attracting hundreds of applicants for a single job opening? The National Park Service recently received 400 applicants for a...


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