3 Job Search Strategies for Every Jobseeker

3 Job Search Strategies for Every Jobseeker

Increased competition for jobs means there is a growing need to stand out to hiring managers and have a Job Search strategy. Generic resumes and cover letters don’t cut it. Each application needs customized application materials that speak to the specific needs of...

To Gap Year or to Not Gap Year?

To Gap Year or to Not Gap Year?

Gap Year. Recently these two words have been used, thought about, and planned around more than ever, but what is a gap year actually?  Most people understand a gap year to be time spent post-graduation before pursuing more schooling, jobs or other exciting...

Three Strategies for a Brilliant Job Interview

Three Strategies for a Brilliant Job Interview

So you’ve found a pretty good possibility for a job and you’re excited because not only do you tick all the boxes for the skill-set the organization is looking for, but you’d just love to work there!  So when you’re invited to interview, you are very pleased indeed. ...

Hiring for Cultural Fit

Hiring for Cultural Fit

They just didn’t work out. The hardest part of selecting a new hire is figuring whether or not they will fit into your organization. A strong resume and skill set are impressive but most hiring managers would agree that long-term employee success depends on whether a...

Reach Your Goals Twice as Fast with Half The Effort

Reach Your Goals Twice as Fast with Half The Effort

Naturally, everyone wants to be more successful by reaching their goals. Whether you want more money, more customers, more profits, better health, or whatever result you’re looking for—what you’re really trying to do is create a new reality for yourself. Let’s...

The Pursuit of Significance in Mentoring

The Pursuit of Significance in Mentoring

“No one can teach anyone anything of significance,” wrote the famed psychologist Carl Rogers in his classic book, On Becoming a Person.  This philosophy is the foundation of effective mentoring. I learned a lot of insignificant things in grade school.  Even today, I...

Recruiters and Older Job Seekers

Recruiters and Older Job Seekers

We all know being an older Job Seeker is just a state of mind.  Most of us are ready to contribute right now, regardless of our birth generation. However, it seems there is continuing bias against workforce veterans… and that relevancy as a candidate is perhaps...

Public Policy: The Good & Bad

Public Policy: The Good & Bad

Local, regional and even national public policy brings both opportunity to grow and evolve, and on occasion, a related opportunity to step back to a previous position or place if a policy doesn’t work.  Two excellent illustrations of ‘the choice after the choice’ I...

Your Career and Flawed Thinking

Your Career and Flawed Thinking

How Can flawed thinking help your career?  Professor Veronica Van Heyningen is a world renowned geneticist. She is at the cutting edge of scientific discovery. Identifying human disease genes and mutations can reveal how normal biology works and also how it can go...


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