Outsourcing Can Lead to Increased Government Efficiencies

Outsourcing Can Lead to Increased Government Efficiencies

Nothing drives innovation like challenge. The silver lining in the cloud of fiscal strain facing many local governments is that nothing drives innovation quite like challenge.  The great recession has produced buzz phrases that are already growing tired, from “doing...

Treat Your Professional Identity Like Metadata

Treat Your Professional Identity Like Metadata

Big data is a hot topic. Mega corporations like Google and Amazon glean huge volumes of information about their customers’ interests and spending patterns. The furore over the Edward Snowden revelations propelled the word metadata from the private lexicon of IT...

Public Policy Analyst: A Public Service Career Feature

Public Policy Analyst: A Public Service Career Feature

Earning a Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) degree allows for many career options and one of those options is a Public Policy Analyst, also known as a Policy Analyst. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, policy analysts establish policy and...

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

What Does Your Email Address Say About You?

First impressions are important when it comes to job seeking, and an email address can make quite a first impression. Often times, the email address is the first thing a hiring manager sees – before even seeing your name! Before you send out your next resume, consider...

Working for USAID

Working for USAID

A master’s degree in international relations provides the foundational knowledge and professional skills you will need for a career in the field—which may include a service career in the government and nonprofit sectors. Students in these programs gain an in-depth...

New Technologies Graduates Need to Know for Government Employment

New Technologies Graduates Need to Know for Government Employment

We have all become increasingly aware of the use of data by the federal government. From national security to health care to education, data and new technologies are playing increased roles in what federal agencies do. But increasingly, municipal governments are also...

Finding Your Career Path

Finding Your Career Path

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Remember that? I hated being asked that question. Granted, I disliked it most when I was in my teens, because well, what teen wants to think about that? And when I was a kid, I was sure I was going to hoist the Stanley Cup or...

5 Tips for GRE Preparation

5 Tips for GRE Preparation

It’s definitely not the SAT. As the portal for entry into most graduate programs, the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is another academic animal altogether—and something you’d better be sure you’ve prepared for before you pull up that first question. As Neil Seltzer, the...

Putting the Meat in Team

Putting the Meat in Team

There is a growing trend in the private firms of staff development which has shown signs of success.  The lunch meeting with a potential new team member to see how the person interacts with potentially new coworkers has been on the rise.  The theory behind the concept...


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