Mentoring with the Heart of a Host

Mentoring with the Heart of a Host

Being a protégé in a mentoring relationship can feel like having to give a speech before a large group.  Now, there are obviously exceptions to this.  I do a lot of keynotes and I can’t wait to hit that stage.  But, there is a lot of research that says people’s...

7 Roles of an Exceptional Team Leader

7 Roles of an Exceptional Team Leader

Your department’s strategy is only as strong as the ability to execute at the frontline. You can have all the great plans, six sigma workouts, and brilliant positioning in the universe, but if the human beings doing the real work lack the competence, confidence, and...

The Reasons to Hire YOU as a Firefighter

The Reasons to Hire YOU as a Firefighter

This is a noble goal to have and an exciting journey that you will remember for the rest of your life. If you have not totally embraced this fact yet, you will, as soon as you make the total commitment to the ultimate goal of becoming a professional firefighter. After...

How to turn a ‘NO’ into a ‘Yes’!

How to turn a ‘NO’ into a ‘Yes’!

The only way to get anybody to do anything is by making them want to do it. It’s as simple as that. Of course, it’s entirely possible to intimidate, threaten or plead; but to what avail? One might reach his intended (if diluted) result, yet in doing so will have...

Drug Use: How Can Alcohol and Drugs Destroy Your Career Silently

Drug Use: How Can Alcohol and Drugs Destroy Your Career Silently

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), “24% of workers report drinking during the workday at least once in the past year.” The costs of alcohol use to the US economy annually top $223.5 billion dollars or $746 for every man,...

How To Become a Lawyer with the Federal Government

How To Become a Lawyer with the Federal Government

The federal government is a major employer of attorneys in the United States, and many of the most promising graduates from top law schools seek employment there. These highly sought-after positions task attorneys with determining the outcomes of many of the most...

What is a Foreign Policy Graduate Program?

What is a Foreign Policy Graduate Program?

One of the core functions of the U.S. government, and many governments, is to interact abroad with both state and non-state actors, such as international organizations, large corporations, terrorist organizations, and NGOs. This purposeful, strategic interaction to...

10 Things That Must Be Said in Every Job Interview

10 Things That Must Be Said in Every Job Interview

While a lot advice will tell you what not to say in a job interview (don’t badmouth your boss, don’t ask about salary in the first five minutes, etc.), there isn’t much advice on what you really should say during those precious 45 minutes. What can you say to a...

Does an MPA degree help in a career pursuit?

Does an MPA degree help in a career pursuit?

What if you are in a particular job that you love and you would like get promoted or advance in your organization? Obtaining a master’s degree in Public Administration or Public Policy is definitely an achievement that could assist you developing a career with lasting...


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