Maintaining Employee Motivation Within the Public Sector

Maintaining Employee Motivation Within the Public Sector

It is not a secret that employee engagement has a significant impact on organizational outcomes. It also is not a surprise that what motivates public sector employees is different from those within the private sector. Employee engagement can vary between individuals...

Leaders: Do They Sabotage the Accountability of Their People?

Leaders: Do They Sabotage the Accountability of Their People?

There has been a lot written and spoken lately about accountability. However, there is a question that is not often addressed: “Do leaders actually sabotage the accountability of their people?” Effective leadership requires both talk and walk. Some leaders don’t...

U.S. and U.K.: Why Local Government Isn’t Working

U.S. and U.K.: Why Local Government Isn’t Working

Giving ‘power to the people’ has a popular ring to it. But what power, and to which people? That question demands a clear but detailed answer in order to achieve effective and efficient local government: as a Councillor in Devon, England, I’ve been fortunate enough to...

From Active Military Duty To Active Employee

From Active Military Duty To Active Employee

The experience embedded into you by the military - order and discipline, once key to a successful mission, can now also hurt you. Yes sir, no sir, and parade rest are commands hard to be abandoned by a seasoned member of the Armed Forces. That mindset unfortunately...

4 Essentials For Any Interview

4 Essentials For Any Interview

Scenario #1: The person you were originally scheduled to meet with is stuck in traffic, and now you’re meeting with one of the managers on her team—and he doesn’t have a copy of your resume. Scenario #2: The hiring manager unexpectedly asks 3 members of his team to...

Managing Your Federal Job Search Campaign

Managing Your Federal Job Search Campaign

Can you think of ways you might conduct a campaign – any kind of campaign?  Three styles immediately come to mind: political, advertising, and fundraising.  Your federal job search can be understood this way:  In a political campaign, someone is selected based on...

MPA: The Challenges of Obtaining Your Degree

MPA: The Challenges of Obtaining Your Degree

Many citizens in this country are advocates for change in their society and communities. Are you that person and that wants to grow your professional career by obtaining a degree in Public Administration? Whether you are an entry-level student with internship...

How You Present “YOU”

How You Present “YOU”

I am constantly asked this question; “Chief, How do I present myself?” Well, this is a loaded question. In response I ask, where, when and for what purpose? What follows is… “for the oral interview of course!” The reason this is a loaded question is because there are...

From Hate To Love: Your 3 Steps To Freedom

From Hate To Love: Your 3 Steps To Freedom

I hated those moments. Every time one of my team members passed me a ball my heart started to pound, my legs got weak and movements became awkward. Every single time I had the same feeling: a mixture of fear and confusion. In those moments the  only question occupying...


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