And the Award Goes To…

And the Award Goes To…

For every leader of an organization that seeks a higher level, accomplishing significant milestones can be a powerfully reaffirming process.  Team members or groups selected for achievements draw an understandably renewed and deepened intrinsic value and worth to the...

Local Government: Valuing People is an Investment In Success

Local Government: Valuing People is an Investment In Success

The need to develop a workforce to meet the current and future demands of government operations, as well as foster an environment that values people is no small task. This effort compels our need to fully understand business priorities, citizen engagement, strategic...

College Isn’t Enough Anymore

College Isn’t Enough Anymore

One of the most common statements recent college graduates say is, “I don’t know why I can’t find a job, even if I went to a good college.” They seem confused when they send out 50 resumes, and only get 2 responses back. Why is this the case? On the flip side,...

What is Your Purpose?

What is Your Purpose?

Do you feel that you are doing work that matters? As you lead your team or guide your department, do you ever ask yourself “Is it worth it?” Are we making a difference in the lives of the people that we serve?  Every day when you arrive at the office, there is always...

Resume Strategies: Showcase Your Accomplishments

Resume Strategies: Showcase Your Accomplishments

If you have seen one list of functions for a particular job title, you have seen them all.   Yet, many candidates copy and paste the job description into the resume.  That signals to the hiring employer that you are either too lazy to craft a professional resume or...

Organizational Leaders: Their Work Habits

Organizational Leaders: Their Work Habits

This is the third article in a series of five highlighting the simple differences between organizational managers and organizational leaders.  The first highlighted how great leaders write slightly different then Managers.  The second focused on the fact that great...

Office Politics: 3 Insightful Steps

Office Politics: 3 Insightful Steps

Company culture can make certain employers appealing, but it’s not until you start the job that you really begin to see the workplace politics.  In some cases, the politics don’t have a negative connotation. Some employers strive to make sure each employee is...

Career Continuity Planning

Career Continuity Planning

Once upon a time, people accepted jobs right out of school and stayed in them until they retired, at which time they received a nice pension to help them through retirement. Those days are long gone! Today’s employment environment is drastically different than it was...

Recruiters: How Can They Guide You in Your Job Search

Recruiters: How Can They Guide You in Your Job Search

When job searching, you may wrestle over the option of “going it alone” or enlisting the services of a professional recruiter. Everyone’s situation is different, but if you suspect that you might be in a situation where the aid of a recruiter should be considered,...


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