Life: The End or Just the Beginning?

Life: The End or Just the Beginning?

Life.  Is it the end of just the beginning?  I went to a funeral yesterday. I have gone to a lot of funerals over the last 12 years of people who expected to be going to mine. It reminded me again of how we can all be so busy living, we forget about dying. We want to...

Challenges for Beach Managers

Challenges for Beach Managers

Picking a career as a City/Town manager in itself is a challenge to balance the needs and wants of a community while doing it in a fiscally conservative manner, but throw in the location of the Town next to the Ocean and the task can expand exponentially. My first...

What Is An International Development Master’s Program?

What Is An International Development Master’s Program?

International development masters programs are ideal for those interested in all aspects of eliminating global poverty, including improving health and education services, creating a sustainable food supply, developing economic institutions, and promoting safety, human...

Education Innovation: The CAPS Model

Education Innovation: The CAPS Model

I am a public-sector entrepreneur. I must help people with my work; it is my oxygen. My personal mission statement is: “To help people make connections that help them live their dreams.”  That is why I feel blessed to be the new Executive Director of the Blue Valley...

Are You Treating Your Employees Like Children?

Are You Treating Your Employees Like Children?

There has been a lot of advice on how to effectively work with Millennials.  It tends to center around giving the Millennials what they crave—praise, feedback, awards, structured mentoring and training, opportunities for development, and exciting, life-fulfilling...

Thank You Letter: The Essential Strategies

Thank You Letter: The Essential Strategies

Emails, notes, and letters: whichever method you choose to thank the interviewer, the goal is the same. You want to thank the hiring manager for taking the time to interview you and show your interest towards the position. What is a Thank You Letter?  A post-interview...

Team Building: 5 Stages

Team Building: 5 Stages

In order to fully understand the concepts of organizations and how they develop it is important to understand the steps it takes to actually build teams within the group.  According to Organizational Behavior (5th ed.), the development of a team is divided into 5...

The Purpose of Opportunity

The Purpose of Opportunity

Many years ago, I received as a rather unique gift, a ball from major league baseball’s 1994 World Series—the series that was never played because of a labor dispute between players and team owners.  The regular season that year ended prematurely and no playoffs would...

Your Career: Propel It With Rocket Fuel

Your Career: Propel It With Rocket Fuel

The British cycling team has been an astounding success in recent years. Much has been made of their meticulous approach to preparing for the London Olympics. In particular, they embedded small behavioural habits incrementally into their routines so they became second...


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