Got an Interview? Read This.

Got an Interview? Read This.

Short of getting an offer, getting the call or email to schedule a phone interview is one of the best feelings one can have in their job search. It means you've made it through the first hurdle of having your resume reviewed. And it's an important step too. From a...

Job Interview: The 20 Best Questions You Can Ask

Job Interview: The 20 Best Questions You Can Ask

As a career mentor, one of the most frequent inquiries I get asked is: “What are the best questions to ask during a job interview?” So, broken down by the most common priorities for job seekers (including just getting the job!), here are the questions that impress me...

Public Sector Employment: 5 Common Misconceptions

Public Sector Employment: 5 Common Misconceptions

While many occupations carry stereotypes – think lawyer, professor, NFL player – few are less understood than those in state and local government. Media hype and outdated perceptions have led to several misconceptions about people who work in the public sector – from...

9/11- Where Were You When the World Stopped?

9/11- Where Were You When the World Stopped?

Maybe you’re an Alan Jackson fan and maybe you’re not.  Either way I’m sure the question has come up in conversation in your life at least once.  Maybe you were asked by someone at a party or on the anniversary or just at one of those, well you know, those moments. ...

Twitter Job Search: 4 Essential Tools

Twitter Job Search: 4 Essential Tools

Using Twitter to quickly find your next job? It's a good idea- the USA has the most Twitter users of any country on Earth in 2014, according to a report that appeared in Forbes this past May. And many, many of them are recruiters and companies looking to hire. Here...

Career Passion: Have You Found It?

Career Passion: Have You Found It?

Are you hyped to spring out of bed on Monday morning and dive into your work? OR Are you already counting down to next weekend? This is not a new revelation, but if your work incorporates your passion…it doesn’t feel like work anymore! I recently returned from...

Leadership: Do They Know, Like and Trust You?

Leadership: Do They Know, Like and Trust You?

If they don’t, it may negatively affect your leadership status. Know, like and trust is a popular concept often applied in marketing efforts. The premise behind it is that consumers tend to buy from those whom they know, like and trust. The same idea applies to the...

Scotland Will Vote “NO”

Scotland Will Vote “NO”

To CIG’s American readers; it is no exaggeration to say that this coming September 18th has the potential to directly affect your life. And for those in Europe; the day certainly will. The United Kingdom’s relationship with both the USA and the European Union will...

Public Health: Public-Private Partnerships

Public Health: Public-Private Partnerships

A couple of months of ago I began writing about Public-Private Partnerships, also known as 3Ps, and the diversity of their utilization within various projects and programs. 3Ps may be most well-known to some for their application in infrastructure projects. However,...


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