A New Generation in Local Government

A New Generation in Local Government

Local government has all the elements a young person yearns for in a profession. The work you do is rewarding and immediate, the people you meet are bright and accomplished, and the communities you work in are strong, vibrant and itching for fresh blood to contribute...

Your Career: Be Accountable with 3 Top Strategies

Your Career: Be Accountable with 3 Top Strategies

How accountable have you been in your career thus far? Have you taken your career by the reins or just let it happen? These may seem like strange questions but the reality is that many people often leave their professional fates in someone else’s hands, simply sitting...

Respect is Reciprocal

Respect is Reciprocal

There's quite a bit of chatter about candidate experience these days, and rightfully so. For far too long, candidates would be treated more like a number or a task than a human being, in essence, it's about respect. However that has begun to change, and the change is...

Just Plain Good Management

Just Plain Good Management

The ability to manage groups and organizations effectively and responsibly is one of the most important and most valued skills in society today. But good management is rare. If you think of the really good managers you have had in your career, the number will probably...

The Five Stages of Team Building: Part 2

The Five Stages of Team Building: Part 2

Storming is where we begin this month. When we left our newly “formed” team they were all standing there smiling and ready to do good deeds in the name of the organization right?  No, sorry, I can’t back that up.  They were likely stuck with a person they didn’t...

Don’t Let Bureaucracy Inhibit Inspiration

Don’t Let Bureaucracy Inhibit Inspiration

Do your organization's systems, policies, and procedures inspire team members, help them perform well, and help them serve internal and external customers well? Or do those systems erode inspiration, consistent performance, and great service delivery? Organizations...

7 Soft Skills We Never Hear About (But Must Master)

7 Soft Skills We Never Hear About (But Must Master)

As we write our resumes, build our social media profiles and search for jobs, we hear a lot about the importance of soft skills. Communication, leadership, problem solving and other skills tend to dominate those conversations – and for good reason: hose skills are...

Top 10 Job Hunting Mistakes

Top 10 Job Hunting Mistakes

Are you still wondering why you are not getting any response from recruiters? Whether you are looking for a private sector or Federal government job, the job search strategy has become much smarter than it used to be a few years back. Here’s what you can know about...

Does Talent Really Exist?

Does Talent Really Exist?

Watched live by over 12-million people last month, Mat Franco became the first magician to win America’s Got Talent and preparation for the show’s return next year is already underway. Rightly so - the best skills, knacks and party tricks are handed center stage for...


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