Managing Government Employment Expectations

Managing Government Employment Expectations

As a graduate student and self-professed “researcher,” I feel obligated to say first that I do not have personal empirical evidence regarding municipal human resources practices. However, I recently read the article “Determinants of Local Government Workforce...

Federal Job Application Strategies

Federal Job Application Strategies

How do you apply for a federal job? Many people go straight to and start searching for jobs they might like. They look at the Duties section of the Vacancy Announcement and say to themselves, “I can do that.” Then they apply. These same folks upload their...

I Tried to Use a Job to Regain my Identity!

I Tried to Use a Job to Regain my Identity!

You may be wondering, "What the heck is she talking about?" When I ventured back into to the workplace working for the federal government, I did not consider ALL THINGS! I just wanted to get back out there and regain my independence and feel like I was on my way...

The Likability Factor

The Likability Factor

In almost every aspect of life, the term likeability is at the center of decision making. This idea holds true in political campaigns, speed dating, beauty contests, American Idol, selection of church pastors, straw polls, hand in marriages, choosing favorite foods, a...

How To Do Pre-Interview Research

How To Do Pre-Interview Research

One of the first questions I ask any candidate who is applying for a role with our company is "Why are you interested in working here?" I use this question, not as an ego trip of "tell me why we're so good", but rather to see how much the candidate knows about us, and...

Make Your Media Interview a Success!

Make Your Media Interview a Success!

For many professionals in government, interacting with the media is an unwritten part of their job description. Media interviews can happen when your department’s public information officer asks for coverage of news, or when a reporter comes to your organization for a...

Turning Boredom into Innovation

Turning Boredom into Innovation

It’s that time of year when we tend to get the winter blahs. The holidays are over, we’ve lost steam on our New Year’s resolutions, and spring is not yet on the horizon. Blah, blah, blah. How do we turn our dissatisfaction with the doldrums into creative new ideas?...

Place Branding: A Strategic Road Map

Place Branding: A Strategic Road Map

A simple online news search for the term “city branding” yields results from cities as varied as Fargo, North Dakota, Wichita, Kansas, and Hermiston, Oregon. While the core of my research focuses on how U.S. cities undertake brand identity strategies, this practice is...


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