A government of the people, by the people, for the people, cannot exist without effective communications on behalf of and about government. Without communication, citizens would not know how to access programs that make lives better, would not know about the services...
Calling All Veterans: Your County Wants You!
San Diego County’s commitment to the local veterans community, one of the largest in the nation, continues to grow. Recognizing the opportunity to capture the talents and resources of this group, the County’s Human Resources Department launched the Veterans Outreach...
Take on that Leadership Role With This 90-Day Plan
A friend recently accepted a senior leadership position in an established organization. She asked for my suggestions on how to “put her best foot forward” in her new job. Anytime you start a new role there is a learning curve. No matter if you’ve been in an agency or...
Public Policy: Evaluating Climate Change into Risk Assessments
Public-private partnerships are quickly garnering an increasing amount of attention for public policy requirements, including water/wastewater, energy, economic development, and transportation projects. P3s require an exceptional amount of planning, design, and the...
Your Interview: Don’t Waste Time Waiting
When you are sitting in that waiting room, waiting for your interview to start, it's easy to just spend that time checking your email, fiddling with your tie, or chew on your nails. But that's not the best use of your time because you are in a perfect location to...
Recruiting Millennials in Local Government
Gone are the days that local governments can attract top talent based only on the notion of job security. Furthermore, local governments across the country have been forced to lay off staff, reduce benefits, and cut core services. Additionally, even as the market...
Start Your Career in IT: How To Gain Experience
Last month, we began our journey with part one of a four part mini-series titled, Start Your Career in IT. This series of articles have been constructed using years of my own experience to provide fundamental steps you can take today as you continue the path of...
Leadership in Government
My fundamental philosophy is that if we are not willing to open our minds, listen with our hearts and seek understanding of some of the most crucial problems of our time, then we have failed as leaders. Over the last few years, I have thought a lot about how leaders...
Public Policy: Economic Growth & Development
There are numerous forces that function together to enhance economic growth and development. The role of public policy has been one of those forces that can have either a positive or negative impact. Examples of additional influences are deficits, educational...