When you use the services of a career counselor, one of the first steps in your career plan will be developing your resume. Career counselors and resume writers can be found at your local American Job Centers, private companies, or outplacement agencies. Like any...
7 Things an Employer Must See in Your Resume
Yet another application submitted – and yet another rejection, followed by more disappointment. And not because of typos or resume formatting issues; not due to a lack of experience or education – but because the resume simply did not stand out from the hundred others...
Be More Than The Office Mom
Every year on the second Sunday in May we honor a very important group of people: mothers. Of course there are the traditional mothers and then there are the not so traditional mothers-those who did not personally give birth or adopt a child but still raises and cares...
Government Careers in Agriculture & Natural Resources
It’s hard to imagine that there are many other fields where the employment outlook so favors the job seeker: There will be nearly 58,000 agriculture-related job openings annually over the next five years, according to a Purdue University report released in May. But...
The 5 Worst Career Tips
Here’s the thing about advice – whether you’re talking about business ventures or personal relationships – it’s completely malleable to the situation you’re in. So while I’m writing about the following 5 pieces of advice as “bad,” that doesn’t mean that there aren’t...
3 Ways to Build Employee Engagement
You probably know that employee engagement is one of those proven, critical factors for supporting an organization’s immediate and long-term health. But according to a recent Gallup poll of approximately 100 million Americans who hold full-time jobs, only 30% of...
Government Funded Resources for Your Education
If a career in local government is your target, acquiring the necessary education is essential. The biggest obstacle? It can be summed up in one word: money. Yes, money may seem hard to come by, especially considering the rise in tuition and fees for colleges and...
Be Inspired: What Would You Do With 3 Months to live?
13 years ago I was given 3 months to live. It appeared to be absolute. I had just been diagnosed with one of the worst cases of Head & Neck cancer ever seen. All of those who had gone before me were gone within 3 months. I was just getting to grips with this...
Military to Civilian Transition: Social Networking Tools
Transitioning from military to civilian life is overwhelming in every aspect. As a former military spouse, I witnessed the struggle my husband faced, which also affected our transition as a family. Deciding where to live, financial instability, changes in medical...