The energy renaissance is a common label awarded to the nation’s recent increased productivity of shale oil and gas. The costs and benefits of this upturn pose numerous implications, which affect not only the energy industry, but consequently local government,...
Tea, Tax and a Revolution
We recently celebrated the 4th of July and I couldn’t help but think back to my years in local government where I learned Americans disliked paying taxes - any kind of taxes - Federal, State and Local – but especially local property taxes and that so many candidates...
Life as a State Social Work Contractor
State agencies of every order use their power and budgets to contract others to do their work. These budgets shrink considerably when they are used for services like behavioral healthcare for children. In the case of adult services, the struggle as a state contractor...
Being Radical in a Leadership Role
Like many others, I have read and appreciated the insights of Steve Farber’s The Radical LEAP, and seen in many instances the various ways in which love, energy, audacity and power have been key ingredients in the advancing successes of our organizations. And like...
God Bless America!
America, to the outsider, can be many different things. A Superpower, the Land of Hope and Glory, the most advanced nation on earth, the capital of the world for, among other things, film and entertainment, space exploration, global business and information...
Negotiation Techniques that Actually Work
Most of us have heard the tried-and-true advice for salary negotiation. Give a range, not a number. Do your research first. While this is solid advice, it doesn’t always work. Negotiation can be difficult or intimidating for many people. If you’re on the lookout for...
Passion Need Not Apply
When providing an informational interview for a young professional recently I repeatedly heard her describe her “passion” to do this and her “passion” for that. What I did not hear, though, were any specific ways in which she could be useful to an organization. Any...
Information Governance Insights: It’s All About the Metrics
Organizations run on metrics. In the previous article we discussed measuring your Information Governance program against the ARMA International Generally Accepted Records Keeping Principles® using their NextLevel™ assessment tool. This gives you a baseline score of...
Start Your Career in IT: Is The “What” More Important Than The “Who”?
Last month we looked at how to go about gaining experience in the information technology field as part two of the mini-series titled, Start your Career in IT. Welcome back and thank you for continuing along in this series with part three. Part 3: So Who You Know, Not...