A workplace thrives on communication and everything breaks down to the minute levels of communication. I am talking about only work-related communications and not water-cooler conversations. Even though communication is more of a reflex action, more often we simply...
7 Ways to Lead During Times of Stress and Change
As a manager, have you ever felt squashed between all the work rolling down hill and the pressure of supporting your already overwhelmed team? Or perhaps you’re frustrated with a team that doesn’t seem to “get it” and isn’t working at full capacity? During times of...
The Integration of Technology in Government
The ushering in of the information age from the industrial age was supposed to allow an individual to live anywhere and remain a productive member of society. This meant that someone could, if they found it desirable, live in the forests of the Upper Peninsula of...
Information Governance Insights: WTF (Where’s The File)
In last month's article we started on the first of The Four "Ws" of Information Governance which are: What are your information assets?Where are they located? When can you dispose of them? Who manages them and has access to them? Once you have identified your...
What to do about listing salary requirements?
Some job advertisements ask you to include your desired salary, and if they ask for this, it usually means that you can’t avoid doing so. Listing salary requirements is always tricky because it’s hard to “guess” what the employer will think about your preference....
10 Reasons to Walk out of an Interview
Walking out of a job interview may seem unorthodox or even career sabotage, however there are numerous reasons when ending a phone screen or getting up and leaving in the middle of an interview is not only appropriate, but recommended. Since 2008, we’ve been careering...
Economic Advancement of Women
Women compose over half of the world’s population, however, our contributions to measured economic activity, growth, and security remains considerably below its potential. The challenges of growth, job creation, and involvement are all closely interconnected. Growth...
We Are the World
When I was asked to submit a piece for this month, I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to be. But by the time I managed to sit down to begin there appeared to be only one topic I could write about. Sometimes a single image can capture the attention of the entire...
How To Be A Career Time Traveler
You might be asked to articulate your career journey when seeking a new job or you may be exploring a new direction. It can be difficult picking out the significant and relevant moments, whether you have been employed in many jobs or only a few. You may feel positive...