Social Science Celebrated

Social Science Celebrated

Why are the arts celebrated?  Why are STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs heavily supported?  Why are efforts to advance professions successful?  Why DON’T we equally celebrate, support, and have success advancing non-arts humanities and social...

Information Governance: Communication & Training Plans

Information Governance: Communication & Training Plans

It’s not SOP if nobody knows about it We’ve been talking for months about how to build an Information Governance program for your organization. You’ve got a steering committee in place, the records identified, retention established, repository ready and you are ready...

Who Are “YOU” When You Do What You Do?

Who Are “YOU” When You Do What You Do?

Do people – employees, peers, bosses, customers, everyone – feel valued when they interact with you? Do they feel listened to – and heard? Do they feel you make every effort to address their needs – or explain what you can do for them? In our “get it done,” fast-paced...

A Positive Article About Dying!

A Positive Article About Dying!

I appreciate my demise is a regular theme of my writing. But maybe it is important that I prompt contemplation of this huge, inevitable event that most of us spend our lives trying to ignore. And perhaps a more useful outcome of my reflections is that they were not...

Unleashing the Potential of Women Entrepreneurs

Unleashing the Potential of Women Entrepreneurs

Recent studies have shown that women are half as likely than men to start a business. While this is a gender equality issue, it is also an economic one. We compose over 50 percent of the U.S. population, have earned 60 percent of undergraduate degrees, 60 percent of...

Fear of Hacking Could Send Your Resume Packing

Fear of Hacking Could Send Your Resume Packing

By Courtney Bousquet Career Coach at American Public University In the day and age of digital resumes and job applications you could be hurting yourself by doing this simple and common thing, sending attachments to recruiters. In the wake of credit card hacking and...

The Root of All Diversity

The Root of All Diversity

As 2015 reluctantly winds down to its final days, I find a highly-charged momentum continues on a topic that has become and will seemingly remain among the most important objectives of any organization and its leaders. Across the country, from companies to communities...

Office Etiquette for the Holiday Season

Office Etiquette for the Holiday Season

December is here!  Some places have already seen snow, shoppers are recovering from Black Friday madness, and all of you are looking forward to the many celebrations that take place at work and at home. Okay, maybe not ALL of you, but most professionals will have some...

Are You Interested in a Freelance Writing Career?

Are You Interested in a Freelance Writing Career?

One of the great things about government is that unless something cataclysmic happens, there will always be a government and it will always need contractors in various forms. Freelance writers don’t think to go for government contracts even though they are often...


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