Achieving True Diversity in Contracting

Achieving True Diversity in Contracting

By Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth, Program Director, Government Contracts and Acquisition at American Public University What should be the focus of diversity in government contracting?  It can be linked to different types of federal, state, or private contracting practices or...

Is an Umbrella Career Right for You?

Is an Umbrella Career Right for You?

Is an umbrella career right for you? Imagine you are holding a large umbrella. What colour or colours is your umbrella? Is the rain lashing down or is the sun beaming hot rays? Under your metaphorical umbrella are all your varied interests, the ones that energize you...

The Art of Effective Networking

The Art of Effective Networking

What does it take to become a master in effective networking? Should you follow up while networking? This article will try to answer all those questions that you have about networking. Read on! For most, networking is as tough as striking a conversation in a strange...

What Is the Best Month to Apply for a Job?

What Is the Best Month to Apply for a Job?

Let’s get this out of the way right up front: there is no 100 percent definitive answer to this question. Different industries operate on different schedules and seasons, so May might be the “best” for some of you, while October might be the “best” month for others....

Resume Keywords Make All the Difference!

Resume Keywords Make All the Difference!

Once you finally admit to yourself that you DO in fact still need a resume for your job search, your next step will be to include the right content so that your resume is “found” by employers and recruiters looking for candidates in your field.  So, how do you get...

Go Beyond Choosing a Career Field

Go Beyond Choosing a Career Field

By Jacquelyn Brookins, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist at American Public University You’ve reached the finish line. After years of learning new methodologies, skills, and job specific knowledge, you are obtaining a college degree. Whether it’s your Associate’s,...

KSAs: The Walking Dead of Federal Hiring

KSAs: The Walking Dead of Federal Hiring

Recently, I was working with a client whose job announcement included four Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) in the qualification requirements. As I began to discuss with him the best approach, he quickly informed me that “we don’t have to write KSAs anymore.” I...

What Kind of Leader Are You?

What Kind of Leader Are You?

When you think of leadership, what images spring to mind? Perhaps it is the bold visionary standing alone at the helm of the organization brimming with charisma. Or perhaps it is more dictatorial, the boss barking out unquestionable orders subordinates as they scurry...

Bad Behavior: Don’t Tolerate It

Bad Behavior: Don’t Tolerate It

Do leaders in your organization tolerate bad behavior from others leaders or individual contributors? Bad behavior may happen for thousands of reasons, in all kinds of organizations across the globe. Bad behavior may happen because people want power and control at...


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