Using Strategic Keywords throughout your Resume

Using Strategic Keywords throughout your Resume

Ever wonder why your resume is not getting the attention you feel it deserves or you don’t get offered an interview for a position you have all the right qualifications for? The answer may be as simple as using strategic keywords in your resume! With the high volume...

Great Bosses Don’t Lie

Great Bosses Don’t Lie

Recently, I overheard two frontline supervisors talking about a meeting they attended a few days earlier. At that meeting, senior leaders of their division shared upcoming plans for layoffs to cut expenses. The senior leaders explained that they would announce the...

Facebook Strategies for Local Government

Facebook Strategies for Local Government

Police and fire departments have long led the way for municipal entities with social media accounts.  With boots on the ground, these departments are connected to communities in ways that many departments do not.  Practically speaking, the use of social media is a...

Information Governance Insights: Who Needs CRUD?!

Information Governance Insights: Who Needs CRUD?!

We’ve been talking about The Four "Ws" Information Governance for awhile now and we’ve saved the best for last! For those of you that are just getting in on the conversation here are The Four "Ws" Information Governance: What are your information assets? Where are...

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

How to Deal with Difficult People at Work

Whether it's a company or a local government, you're simply bound to meet people who are not exactly friendly. This is what happens to people who decide to work in crowded environments. Most of your co-workers will be absolutely fine, but you can expect a few to be...

Conversational Interviews: Make a Lasting Impression

Conversational Interviews: Make a Lasting Impression

By Jaymie Pompeo, Career Coach at American Public University Interviews can be static formalities that offer the opportunity to present your best self. Think about it: there is always the expectation of the interviewer controlling a rigid Q&A session to find that...

Government Decision Making: A Subtle Art Form

Government Decision Making: A Subtle Art Form

It was a stunning and unexpected defeat.  My boss and I were briefing the administrator on our recommended policy position for the agency.  We had the research and data; we had a thoughtful, reasonable recommendation; it seemed like a no-brainer. We miscalculated...

Success: What, Why and How

Success: What, Why and How

When I open up my computer every morning a deluge of great inspirational quotes are waiting for me. Many of these are aimed at success. SUCCESS IS 99% ATTITUDE AND 1% APTITUDE. SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY, NOT A DESTINATION. IN ORDER TO SUCCEED, YOU MUST FIRST BELIEVE. But...

Leadership on the Links: Birdies & Bogies

Leadership on the Links: Birdies & Bogies

In Harvey Pennick’s Little Red Book:  Lessons and Teachings from a Lifetime in Golf, the author shares a story of a brief conversation with someone he met at his church.  The story goes like this: “A woman at church remarked to me, ‘Harvey, that game you play doesn’t...


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